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StatBank Denmark
Environment and energy
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Final consumption of water caused by private consumption and other final demand by group of consumption and unit (DISCONTINUED)
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Total private consumption
1110 Bread and cereals
1120 Meat
1130 Fish
1141 Eggs
1142 Milk, cream, yoghurt etc.
1143 Cheese
1150 Butter, oils and fats
1160 Fruit and vegetables except potatoes
1171 Potatoes etc.
1181 Sugar
1182 Ice cream, chocolate and confectionery
1190 Food products n.e.c.
1210 Coffee, tea and cocoa
1220 Mineral waters, soft drinks and juices
2110 Wine and spirits
2130 Beer
2210 Tobacco
3110 Garments and clothing materials etc.
3140 Laundering, dry cleaning etc.
3200 Footwear
4100 Actual rentals for housing
4200 Imputed rentals for housing
4300 Regular maintenance and repair of the dwelling
4410 Refuse collection, other services n.e.c.
4430 Water supply and sewerage services
4510 Electricity
4520 Gas
4530 Liquid fuels
4540 Hot water, steam etc.
5100 Furniture, furnishings, carpets etc.
5200 Household textiles
5310 Major household appliances
5330 Repair of major household appliances
5400 Glass, tableware and household utensils
5500 Tools and equipment for house and garden
5610 Non-durable household goods
5620 Domestic services and home care services
6111 Medical and pharmaceutical products
6112 Therapeutic appliances and equipment
6200 Out-patient services
6300 Hospital services
7210 Maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles
7220 Fuels and lubricants
7240 Other services in respect of personal transport equipment
7300 Transport services
8100 Communications
9110 Radio and television sets etc.
9120 Photographic equipment etc.
9130 Data processing equipment
9140 Recording media for pictures and sound
9150 Repair of a/v and data processing equipment
9200 Other major durables for recreation and culture
9300 Other recreational items and equipment
9400 Recreational and cultural services
9510 Books, newspapers and periodicals
9530 Stationery and drawing materials etc.
9600 Package holidays
9700 Education
9810 Catering
9820 Accommodation services
9911 Hairdressing salons etc.
9912 Appliances, articles and products for personal care
9921 Jewellery, clocks and watches
9922 Other personal effects
9931 Retirement homes, day-care centres etc.
9932 Kindergartens, creches etc.
9940 Insurance
9950 Financial services n.e.c.
9960 Other services n.e.c.
9980 Consumption of non-residents on the economic territory
9990 Consumption of residents in the ROW
2031 Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH)
2041 Individual market government consumption
2042 Individual non-market government consumption
2043 Collective government consumption
Total gross fixed capital formation
Changes in stocks
Total final demand
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Total global consumption of water caused by final demand (1000 cubic metres)
Total consumption of water in Denmark caused by final demand (1000 cubic metres)
Direct consumption of water caused by final demand (1000 cubic metres)
Direct consumption of water (cubic metres) per DKK million (2000-prices) final demand
Global consumption of water (cubic metres) per DKK million (2000-prices) final demand
Consumption of water (cubic metres) in Denmark per DKK million (2000-prices) final demand
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Statistics Denmark