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StatBank Denmark
Labour and income
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Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, occupation and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED)
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cause of absence
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Governmental sector
The municipality and regional sector
The municipality sector
The regional sector
Private sector
The private sector - pay
The private sektor - hourly-paid
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Own sickness
Childrens sickness
Occupational injury
Maternity and adoption leave
indicator of absence
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Hovedgruppe (1 cifret niveau)
Overgruppe (2 cifret niveau)
TOT Total
0 Armed forces occupations
01 Commissioned armed forces officers
02 Non-commissioned armed forces officers
03 Armed forces occupations, other ranks
1 Managers
11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators
12 Administrative and commercial managers
13 Production and specialised services managers
14 Hospitality, retail and other services managers
2 Professionals
21 Science and engineering professionals
22 Health professionals
23 Teaching professionals
24 Business and administration professionals
25 Information and communications technology professionals
26 Legal, social and cultural professionals
3 Technicians and associate professionals
31 Science and engineering associate professionals
32 Health associate professionals
33 Business and administration associate professionals
34 Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals
35 Information and communications technicians
4 Clerical support workers
41 General and keyboard clerks
42 Customer services clerks
43 Numerical and material recording clerks
44 Other clerical support workers
5 Service and sales workers
51 Personal service workers
52 Sales workers
53 Personal care workers
54 Protective services workers
6 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
61 Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers
62 Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting workers
7 Craft and related trades workers
71 Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians
72 Metal, machinery and related trades workers
73 Handicraft and printing workers
74 Electrical and electronic trades workers
75 Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and related trades workers
8 Plant and machine operators, and assemblers
81 Stationary plant and machine operators
82 Assemblers
83 Drivers and mobile plant operators
9 Elementary occupations
91 Cleaners and helpers
92 Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers
93 Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport
94 Food preparation assistants
95 Street and related sales and service workers
96 Refuse workers and other elementary workers
9999 Unknown
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Absence rate
Average no. of absence days per full-time employed
Average no. of absence periods per full-year employed
Average no. of calendar days per absence period
Full-time employed
Share of fulltime employed in sector
Full-year employed
Periods of absence (number)
Absence days (in full day equivalents) (number)
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Statistics Denmark