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StatBank Denmark Social conditions
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    AB701: Full-time participants in labour market policy measures by region, measure, sector, age and sex (DISCONTINUED)
    Unit : Number

    Data for 3nd quarter 2006 are not updated by the municipalities of Græsted-Gilleleje, Rudbjerg, Egebjerg, Tommerup og Ikast. Full-time employees in flex and sheltered jobs are estimated on the assumption that the participants are working full-time. Against this background, the reduction in the number of full-time participants is exclusively made on the basis of start and end dates, unlike the other measures where the number of hours is also taken into account.

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    region (299)
    Measure (33)
    sector (4)
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    age (12)
    sex (3)
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    (select max. 10000)
    9-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,