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StatBank Denmark Labour and income
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    LONMED1: Members per 31.12 by member of organisation and sex (DISCONTINUED)
    Unit : Number

    The fall in the number of members in LO and KRIFA 2012 is due to the circumstance that the reports up until 2011 included all members, and not only members attached to the labour market. In general, comparisons over time can be a problem due to the same problem and because some organizations have changed central organizations or have been combined. 31/12-2018 is figures regarding LO and FTF reported from FH (the merging between LO and FTF 1/1-2019) and biggere deviations can be due to this.

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    member of organisation (162)
    sex (3)
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    (select max. 10000)
    18-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,