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StatBank Denmark
Labour and income
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Earnings for employees in the private sector by education, group of employees, components and sex (DISCONTINUED)
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1. Grundskole
1010. 1. - 9. klasse
1020. 10.-11. klasse
1030. Efterskole
2. Almengymnasiale
2010. Studentereksamen
2020. HF
3. Erhvervsgymnasiale
3010. HH
3020. HTX
3030. Adgang til teknika
4. Erhvervsfaglige
4010. Handel og kontor
4020. Jern og metal
4030. Kemotekniske
4040. Bygge og anlæg
4050. Grafiske
4060. Service
4070. Levnedsmiddel
4080. Landbrug mv.
4090. Transport og kommunikation
4100. Sundhed
4110. Pædagogiske
5. Korte videregående
5010. Pædagogiske
5020. Humanistiske
5030. Musiske og æstetiske
5040. Samfundsfaglige
5050. Naturfaglige
5060. Tekniske
5070. Levnedsmiddel
5080. Landbrug mv.
5090. Transport
5100. Sundhed
5110. Offentlig sikkerhed
6. Mellemlange videregående
6010. Pædagogiske
6020. Humanistiske
6030. Musiske
6040. Samfundsfaglige
6050. Naturfaglige
6060. Tekniske
6070. Levnedsmiddel
6080. Landbrug mv.
6090. Transport
6100. Sundhed
6110. Offentlig sikkerhed
7. Lange videregående
7010. Pædagogiske
7020. Humanistiske
7030. Musiske
7040. Samfundsfaglige
7050. Naturfaglige
7060. Tekniske
7070. Levnedsmiddel
7080. Landbrug mv.
7090. Sundhed
7100. Offentlig sikkerhed
9. Uoplyst
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Total, excl. young people and trainees
General managers
Employees, non-managerial level
Young people (13-17 years)
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Number of jobs
Total earnings in DKK per worked hour
Nuisance bonus in DKK per worked hour
Total earnings excluding (nuisance bonus) in DKK per worked hour
Upper quartile, total earnings (excluding nuisance bonus) in DKK per worked hour
Median, total earnings (excluding nuisance bonus) in DKK per worked hour
Lower quartile, total earnings (excluding nuisance bonus) in DKK per worked hour
Sickness with pay, etc. in DKK per worked hour
Holiday allowances in DKK per worked hour
Fringe benefits in DKK per worked hour
Pension including ATP in DKK per worked hour
Direct remuneration in DKK per worked hour
Number of fixed-salary earners
Per month fixed-salary earnings in DKK
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Number of selected data cells for the table:
(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark