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StatBank Denmark
Labour and income
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Absence in the private sector by occupation, sex, indicator of absence and cause of absence (DISCONTINUED)
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TOT Total
1120 Managing directors and chief executives
1211 Finance managers
1212 Human resource managers
1219 Business services and administration managers not elsewhere classified
1221 Sales and marketing managers
1223 Research and development managers
1321 Manufacturing managers
1323 Construction managers
1324 Supply, distribution and related managers
1330 Information and communications technology service managers
1346 Financial and insurance services branch managers
1349 Professional services managers not elsewhere classified
1420 Retail and wholesale trade managers
2131 Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals
2132 Farming, forestry and fisheries advisers
2141 Industrial and production engineers
2142 Civil engineers
2144 Mechanical engineers
2145 Chemical engineers
2149 Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified
2151 Electrical engineers
2152 Electronics engineers
2153 Telecommunications engineers
2161 Building architects
2163 Product and garment designers
2166 Graphic and multimedia designers
2221 Nursing professionals
2262 Pharmacists
2267 Optometrists and ophthalmic opticians
2341 Primary school teachers
2343 Educational work
2357 Specialized educational work
2411 Accountants
2412 Financial and investment advisers
2413 Financial analysts
2421 Management and organization analysts
2422 Policy administration professionals
2423 Personnel and careers professionals
2431 Advertising and marketing professionals
2433 Technical and medical sales professionals (excluding ICT)
2434 Information and communications technology sales professionals
2511 Systems analysts
2512 Software developers
2513 Web and multimedia developers
2514 Applications programmers
2519 Software and applications developers and analysts not elsewhere classified
2522 Systems administrators
2529 Database and network professionals not elsewhere classified
2611 Lawyers
2619 Legal professionals not elsewhere classified
2636 Religious professionals
2642 Journalists
3111 Chemical and physical science technicians
3112 Civil engineering technicians
3113 Electrical engineering technicians
3114 Electronics engineering technicians
3115 Mechanical engineering technicians
3118 Draughtspersons
3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified
3153 Aircraft pilots and related associate professionals
3257 Environmental and occupational health inspectors and associates
3311 Securities and finance dealers and brokers
3312 Credit and loans officers
3313 Accounting associate professionals
3315 Valuers and loss assessors
3321 Insurance representatives
3322 Commercial sales representatives
3323 Buyers
3331 Clearing and forwarding agents
3333 Employment agents and contractors
3339 Business services agents not elsewhere classified
3342 Legal secretaries
3343 Administrative and executive secretaries
3412 Social work associate professionals
3511 Information and communications technology operations technicians
3512 Information and communications technology user support technicians
3522 Telecommunications engineering technicians
4110 General office clerks
4120 Secretaries (general)
4132 Data entry clerks
4211 Bank tellers and related clerks
4221 Travel consultants and clerks
4222 Contact centre information clerks
4223 Telephone switchboard operators
4224 Hotel receptionists
4226 Receptionists (general)
4311 Accounting and bookkeeping clerks
4312 Statistical, finance and insurance clerks
4321 Stock clerks
4322 Production clerks
4323 Transport clerks
4412 Mail carriers and sorting clerks
4419 Clerical support workers not elsewhere classified
5111 Travel attendants and travel stewards
5120 Cooks
5131 Waiters
5153 Building caretakers
5223 Shop sales assistants
5230 Cashiers and ticket clerks
5244 Contact centre salespersons
5249 Sales workers not elsewhere classified
5311 Child care workers
5322 Home-based personal care workers
5419 Protective services workers not elsewhere classified
6113 Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers
7112 Bricklayers and related workers
7115 Carpenters and joiners
7119 Building frame and related trades workers not elsewhere classified
7126 Plumbers and pipe fitters
7127 Air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics
7131 Painters and related workers
7212 Welders and flamecutters
7213 Sheet-metal workers
7214 Structural-metal preparers and erectors
7221 Blacksmiths, hammersmiths and forging press workers
7222 Toolmakers and related workers
7223 Metal working machine tool setters and operators
7231 Motor vehicle mechanics and repairers
7233 Agricultural and industrial machinery mechanics and repairers
7321 Pre-press technicians
7411 Building and related electricians
7412 Electrical mechanics and fitters
7421 Electronics mechanics and servicers
7511 Butchers, fishmongers and related food preparers
7523 Woodworking-machine tool setters and operators
8114 Cement, stone and other mineral products machine operators
8121 Metal processing plant operators
8131 Chemical products plant and machine operators
8142 Plastic products machine operators
8143 Paper products machine operators
8160 Food and related products machine operators
8172 Wood processing plant operators
8183 Packing, bottling and labelling machine operators
8189 Stationary plant and machine operators not elsewhere classified
8211 Mechanical machinery assemblers
8212 Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers
8219 Assemblers not elsewhere classified
8322 Car, taxi and van drivers
8331 Bus and tram drivers
8332 Heavy truck and lorry drivers
8342 Earthmoving and related plant operators
8344 Lifting truck operators
9112 Cleaners and helpers in offices, hotels and other establishments
9312 Civil engineering labourers
9313 Building construction labourers
9321 Hand packers
9329 Manufacturing labourers not elsewhere classified
9334 Shelf fillers
9412 Kitchen helpers
9621 Messengers, package deliverers and luggage porters
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Absence rate
Average no. of absence days per full-time employed
Average no. of absence periods per full-year employed
Average no. of calendar days per absence period
Full-time employed
Share of fulltime employed in sector
Full-year employed
Periods of absence (number)
Absence days (in full day equivalents) (number)
cause of absence
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Own sickness
Childrens sickness
Occupational injury
Maternity and adoption leave
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(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark