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StatBank Denmark
Labour and income
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Wealth by type of property, unit, age, family type and population
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Net Wealth, (2020-definition A+B+CX-D-E-F)
Net Wealth, (2014-definition A+B-B6+CX-D-E-F+F3)
Assets total (2020-definition A+B+CX)
Assets total (2014-definition A+B+CX-B6)
A. Real assets
A.1. Value of Main residence
A.2. Value of flat in housing co-operative
A3. Value of vacation cottage
A.4. Other real estate (rental dwelling, unbuilt ground, building for trade, etc.)
A.5. Cars
B. Financial assets, total (2020-definition)
B. Financial assets, total (2014-definition excluding B6)
B.1. Deposits in bank
B.2. Bonds
B.3. Shares (quoted) etc.
B.4. Shares in investment fund
B.5. Mortgage deeds in deposit
B.6. Shares (unquoted) etc. (2020- )
B.7. special deposits for self employed
CX. Pensions in total (non-taxed counts 60 per cent.)
C. Pensions in total
C.1. Lifetime pensions
C.1.A. Lifetime pensions (ATP)
C.1.B. Lifetime pensions (other)
C.2. Fixed-term pension
C.3. One-time pension payment
C.4. Age saving
C.5. Civil servant pension, total
Liabilities total (2020-def E+F)
Liabilities total (2014-def E+F-F3)
D. Mortgage debt, total
D.1. In building societies
D.1.A. Main residence
D.1.B. Holiday cottage
D.1.C. Other real estate
D.2. Mortgage debt in banks
D.3. Mortgages deeds in deposit
E. Other loans, total
E.1. Regular bank loans
E.2. loans for consumption, credit card debt tc.
F. Debt to the public sector (2020-definition)
F. Debt to the public sector (2014-definition excluding F3)
F.1. Study laons
F.2. Debt to municipalities
F.3. Debt collection / Arrears (not accessible 2017 and 2019)
F.4. Other debt to the public sector
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Median (Constant prices - Most recent year available)
Lower quartile (Constant prices - Most recent year available)
Upper quartile (Constant prices - Most recent year available)
Average (Constant prices - Most recent year available)
Median (Nominal prices)
Lower quartile (Nominal prices)
Upper quartile (Nominal prices)
Average (Nominal prices)
Number of families in population 31.12
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18 years and over
18-29 years
30-39 years
40-49 years
50-59 years
60-69 years
70-70 years
80-89 years
90 years and over
family type
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Families, total
Couples without children
Couples with children
Single persons without children
Single persons with children
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Number of selected data cells for the table:
(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark