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    Labour and income
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    Labour market status of the population
    Labour Force Survey (LFS)
    Labour force status
    AKU100K: Seasonally adjusted labour force status by employment status (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU101K: Seasonally adjusted labour force status in percentage by employment status (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU110K: Labour force status by employment status, age and sex (15-74 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU111K: Labour force status in percentage by employment status, age and sex (15-74 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU120K: Labour force status by employment status and region (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU121K: Labour force status in percentage by employment status and region (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU550K: Labour market slack by labour market affiliation, sex and unit (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU560K: Labour market slack (per cent) by labour market affiliation, sex and unit (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU110A: Labour force status by employment status, age and sex (15-74 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU111A: Labour force status in percentage by employment status, age and sex (15-74 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU130A: Labour force status by employment status and level of education (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU131A: Labour force status in percentage by employment status and level of education (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU610A: Persons outside the labour force by self-percepted status and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU111M: Labour force status by seasonal adjustment and employment status (15-74 year olds) (2008M01-2024M12)
    AKU25: Labour force status (seasonally adjusted) by employment status (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU100: Labour force status by employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU102: Labour force status by employment status and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU103: Seasonally adjusted labour force status by employment status (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU120: Labour force status in percentage by employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU122: Labour force status in percentage by employment status and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU123: Seasonally adjusted labour force status in percentage by employment status (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU26: Labour force status (seasonally adjusted) by employment status (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU3: Employed (in thousands) by industry, region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2006Q4)
    AKU101: Labour force status by employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2018)
    AKU104: Labour force status by employment status and level of education (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
    AKU121: Labour force status in percentage by employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2018)
    AKU124: Labour force status in percentage by employment status and level of education (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
    AKU100M: Labour force status by seasonal adjustment, employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008M01-2021M12)
    AKU101M: Labour force status (per cent) by seasonal adjustment, employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008M01-2021M12)
    AKU105: Labour force status by seasonal adjustment, employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2019M07)
    AKU125: Labour force status (per cent) by seasonal adjustment, employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2019M07)
    Employed persons
    AKU210K: Employed by professional status, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU220K: Employed (in thousands) by industry (10-grouping), region and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU230K: Employed (in thousands) by region, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU240K: Employed (in thousands) by hours of work, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU250K: Employed (in thousands) by desired working hours, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU310K: Overtime for employees (15-64 year olds) by status of salary and industry (10-grouping) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU280K: Employed with work at home by frequency, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU210A: Employed by professional status, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU260A: Employed by working time arrangement, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU270A: Employed by atypical hours, frequency, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU280A: Employed with work at home by frequency, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    LABY35: Employed with work at home by municipality groups, frequency and sex (15-64 year olds) (2021-2023)
    AKU320A: Employees by duration of the work contract, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU330A: Employees by working hours, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU340A: Employees (15-64 year olds) by working hours and industry (10-grouping) (2008-2023)
    AKU410A: Average weekly hours of work in main job by hours of work, age and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU420A: Average weekly hours of work in main job (15-64 year olds) by hours of work and industry (10-grouping) (2008-2023)
    AKU17: Paid overtime for employees (in thousands) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU1: Population by employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU2: Population by employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU18: Unpaid overtime for employees (in thousands) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU200: Employed (in thousands) by industry (10-grouping), region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU201: Employed (in thousands) by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU202: Employed by professional status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU23: Population by employment status and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU24: Population by employment status and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU44: Employed (in thousands) by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU46: Full-time equivalents in thousands by employment status and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU500: Employed (in thousands) by hours of work, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU501: Employed (in thousands) by desired working hours, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU6: Employed (in thousands) by usual working time, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU61: Employed (in thousands) by desired working hours, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU10: Employed by extent of working time, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
    AKU13: Employed (in thousands) with work at home by frequency, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
    AKU14: Employees (in thousands) by working hours, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
    AKU15: Employees (in thausands) by working hours and industry (9-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2008)
    AKU16: Employees (in thausands) by working hours and industry (10-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2010)
    AKU203: Employed by professional status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2018)
    AKU21: Population by employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
    AKU22: Population by employment status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
    AKU11: Employees (in thousands) by permanency of the job, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
    AKU12: Employed (in thousands) by atypical working times, frequency, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
    AKU502: Average weekly hours of work in main job by hours of work, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2018)
    AKU503: Average weekly hours of work in main job by hours of work and industry (10-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2018)
    AKU600: Employed by working time arrangement, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2018)
    AKU601: Employees by permanency of the job, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2018)
    AKU602: Employed by atypical working times, frequency, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2018)
    AKU605: Employees by working hours and industry (10-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2018)
    AKU7: Average weekly hours of work in main job by hours of work, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
    AKU8: Average weekly hours of work in main job by hours of work and industry (9-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2008)
    AKU81: Average weekly hours of work in main job by hours of work and industry (10-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2010)
    Unemployed persons
    AKU510K: ILO-unemployment composition by status for unemployment and sex (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU520K: Registered unemployment by type of benefits and employment status (15-64 year olds) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU530K: Full-time equivalents by employment status and sex (15-64 year olds) (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    AKU540A: Composition of ILO-unemployment by level of availability and type of benefits (15-64 year olds) (2008-2023)
    AKU300: ILO-unemployment composition by status for unemployment and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU401: Persons outside the labour force by self-percepted status and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
    AKU301: Gross unemployment by type of benefits and labou force status (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU603: Employed with work at home by frequency, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2018)
    AKU400: Full-time equivalents by employment status and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU33: Employed (in thousands) by industry (10-grouping), region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU604: Employees by working hours, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2018)
    AKU51: ILO-unemployment composition (in thousands) by status for unemployment and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2010Q4)
    AKU50: Gross unemployment by type of benefits and labou force status (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU49: ILO-unemployment composition by status for unemployment and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2011Q2)
    AKU4: Employed (in thousands) by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2006Q4)
    AKU504: Overtime for employees by status of salary and industry (10-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2019Q1)
    AKU52: Recipients of uemployment benefits or social assistance (in thousands) by labour status (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2010Q4)
    Labour market status (RAS)
    RAS200: Activity and employment rates (end November) by region, ancestry, age (16-66) years), sex and frequency (2008-2023)
    RAS201: Population (end November) by region, socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS202: Population (end November) by socioeconomic status, age and sex (2008-2022)
    RAS203: Population (end November) by region, education, socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2014)
    RAS204: Activity and employment rates (end November) by country of origin, age (16-66 years) and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS205: Population (end November) by country of origin, socioeconomic status, age and sex (2008-2022)
    RAS206: Immigrants 16-66 years by country of origin, period of residence permit, socioeconomic status, sex and age (2008-2023)
    RAS208: Population (end November) by country of origin, socioeconomic status, age and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS209: Population (end November) by region, education, socioeconomic status, age and sex (2008-2022)
    RAS210: Population (end November) by municipality of residence, socioeconomic status, age and sex (2008-2023)
    RASU11: Population by region, education, socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
    RAS1F1: Economic activity and employment rates by region (new), ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2011)
    RAS1F: Economic activity and employment rates by living-region, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    RAS1: Population by living-region, socioeconomic status (3 groups), ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1981-2006)
    RAS207: Population by living-region (new), socioeconomic status (13-groups), ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2011)
    RAS3: Population by socioeconomic status (16 groups), age (1 year) and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2011)
    RAS11: Population by region, socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2001)
    RAS2: Population by living-region, socioeconomic status (13 groups), ancestry, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    RAS33X: Labour force aged 16-66 by region, category of insurance, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1981-1999)
    RASU1: Population by living-region, education (79-groups), socioeconomic status (13-groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    RAS1Z: Population by region, job title, citizenship, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1981-1996)
    LIGEAB1: Population (16-64 years) by socioeconomic status, ancestry, family type, sex and age (2008-2023)
    LIGEAB2: Population (16-64 years) by region, socioeconomic status, family type, sex and age (2008-2023)
    RASUD: Labour force status in the population (34-59 years in 2013) by education and employment status (DISCONTINUED) (2009:2013)
    FLOW1: The population's shift in socio-economic status by former socioeconomic status, new socioeconomic status, movement, sex and age (2020-2023)
    FLOW2: The population's shift in socio-economic status by municipality of residence, former socioeconomic status, new socioeconomic status, movement, sex and age (2020-2023)
    FLOW3: Immigratione (last year) by country of origin, socioeconomic status, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2022)
    FLOW4: Immigratione (last year) by country of origin and socioeconomic status (DISCCONTINUED) (2022)
    FLOW5: Immigratione (last year) by country of origin and industry (DB07 10-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2022)
    FLOW6: Immigratione (last year) by country of origin and industry (DB07 127-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2022)
    Gender equality indicator, activity and employment rates
    LIGEAI1: Gender equality indicator of activity and employment rates (16-64 years) by frequency, family type, ancestry and age (2008-2023)
    LIGEAI2: Gender equality indicator of activity and employment rates (16-64 år) by frequency, family type, region and age (2008-2023)
    Quarterly labour market status
    KAS200: Activity and employment rates by region, ancestry, age, sex, frequency and period (2017-2023)
    KAS201: Population by region, socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (2017-2023)
    KAS202: Population by socioeconomic status, age, sex and period (2017-2022)
    KAS204: Activity and employment rates by country of origin, frequency, age, sex and period (2017-2023)
    KAS205: Population by country of origin, socioeconomic status, age, sex and period (2017-2022)
    KAS208: Population by country of origin, socioeconomic status, age, sex and period (2017-2023)
    KAS209: Population by region, education, socioeconomic status, age, sex and period (2017-2022)
    Labour market accounts
    AMR1: The population's attachment to the labour market (Full-time people) by region, socioeconomic status, sex and age (2008-2022)
    AMR2: The populations's attachment to the labour market (Full-time people) by socioeconomic status, sex, age and ancestry (2008-2022)
    Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET)
    NEET1: Population (16-24 years) by NEET status, sex, region and socioeconomic status (2008-2022)
    NEET2: Population (16-24 years) by NEET status, region, sex and age (2008-2022)
    LABY10: Share of youth (16-24 years) not in employment, education or training (NEET) by municipality groups and age (2008-2022)
    Gender equality indicator, not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET)
    LIGEAI6: Gender equality indicator of NEET by region and age (2008-2022)
    Trade unions
    LONMED1: Members per 31.12 by member of organisation and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2018)
    LONMED3: Members per 31.12 by member of organisation and sex (2007-2023)
    LONMED2: Members per 31.12 by member of organisation and sex (2007-2023)
    LONMED: Members by member of organisation and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2014)
    Employment and unemployment
    Employed persons (RAS)
    RAS300: Employed (end November) by industry (DB07), socioeconomic status, age and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS301: Employed (end November) by region (workplace), industry (DB07), socioeconomic status, age and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS302: Employed (end November) by region (residens), industry (DB07), socioeconomic status, age and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS308: Employed (end November) by country of origin, industry (DB07), socioeconomic status, age and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS309: Employed by industry (DB07) and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS310: Employed (end November) by region (residens), education, industry (DB07), age and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS311: Employed (end November) by industry (DB07), ancestry and sex (2008-2023)
    LIGEAB4: Employed persons (16-64 years) by region, industry (DB07), category of insurance, sex and age (2008-2023)
    LIGEAB5: Employed persons in subsidized employment by industry, type of benefit, sex and age (2008-2023)
    LIGEAI3: Gender equality indicator of employed persons by industry (2008-2023)
    LIGEAI4: Gender equality indicator on employed (more than 15 years old) by indicator, industry (DB07) and category of insurance (2008-2023)
    LIGEAI5: Gender equality indicator of persons employed in subsidized employment by industry (DB07), type of benefits and indicator (2008-2023)
    Employed salary earners
    RAS305: Employed salary earners (end November) by area of workplace, sector, extent of working time, age and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS307: Employed salary earners (end November) by industry (DB07), sector, extent of working time and sex (2008-2023)
    LIGEAB7: Employed salary earners by extent of working time, sector, family type, sex and age (2008-2023)
    LIGEAB8: Employed salary earners by extent of working time, ancestry, family type, sex and age (2008-2023)
    LIGEDB9: Employed salary earners by sex, salary earners and industry (2008-2023)
    LABY29: Employed salary earners (end November) by municipality groups, industry (DB07) and sector (2008-2023)
    LABY29A: Employed salary earners (end November) (share in per cent) by municipality groups and sector (2008-2023)
    LABY29B: Employed salary earners (end November) (share in per cent) by municipality groups and age (2008-2023)
    LABY30A: Employed salary earners in general government (end November) (share in per cent) by municipality groups and sector (2008-2023)
    LABY30: Employed salary earners in general government (end November) by municipality groups, industry (DB07), sector and age (2008-2023)
    LABY31: Employed salary earners in general government (end November) by municipality groups, industry (DB07) and age (2008-2023)
    LIGEAI7: Gender equality indicator on employed salary earners by extent of working time, sector, family type and age (2008-2023)
    LIGEAI8: Gender equality indicator on employed salary earners by extent of working time, ancestry, family type and age (2008-2023)
    LIGEFI5: Gender equality indicator on working hours for employed salary earners (average) by age and family type (2008-2023)
    LIGEDI9: Gender equality indicator of employed salary earners by salary earners and industry (2008-2023)
    RAS303: Employed (end November) by region (residens), education, industry (DB07), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2014)
    RAS304: Salary earners by region, sector, extent of working time, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2012)
    RAS306: Employed salary earners by industry (DB07), sector, scope and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2012)
    Quarterly employed persons
    KAS300: Average number of employed by industry (DB07 127-grouping), socioeconomic status, age, sex and period (2008-2023)
    KAS301: Average number of employed by region (work place), industry (DB07 36-grouping), socioeconomic status, age, sex and period (2008-2023)
    KAS302: Average number of employed by region (work place), industry (DB07 36-grouping), socioeconomic status, age, sex and period (2008-2023)
    KAS305: Average number of employees by area of workplace, sector, age, sex and period (2008-2023)
    KAS307: Average number of employees by industry (DB07 36-grouping), sector, sex and period (2008-2023)
    KAS308: Average number of employed by country of origin, industry (DB07 36-grouping), socioeconomic status, age, sex and period (2008-2023)
    KAS309: Average number of employed by industry (DB07), sex and period (2008-2023)
    KAS310: Average number of employed by region (residence), education, industry (DB07), age, sex and period (2008-2023)
    KAS311: Average number of employed by industry (DB07 127-grouping), ancestry, sex and period (2008-2023)
    RASOFF: Employed salary earners by industry (DB07), sector, scope and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2011)
    RASU22: Employed (residens) by region, education, industry (DB07), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2011)
    RASA1: Employed (work place) by region, industry (DB07), socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2011)
    RASB1: Employed (residens) by region, industry (DB07), socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2011)
    RASA1X: Employed by region (new), industry, socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2008)
    RASB1X: Employed by region (new), industry, socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2008)
    RASOFF11: Salary earners by region (new), sector, extent of working time, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2011)
    RASU22X: Employed by region (new), education (9-groups), industry (27-groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2008)
    RASA01: Employed by area of workplace, industry (DB07), socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2006)
    RASB01: Employed by region, industry (DB07), socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2006)
    RASA: Employed by area of workplace, industry, socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    RASB: Employed by area of residence, industry, socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    RASU2: Employed by region, education (9-groups), industry (27-groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2006)
    RAS9X: Employed by industry (111-groups), socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2008)
    RAS07: Employed by industry (DB07) and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2008)
    RAS93: Employed by industry (DB93) and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1994-2000)
    RAS8: Employed by industry (DSE77), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1981-1993)
    RAS9: Employed by industry (DB07), socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2011)
    RASOFFX: Salary earners by industry (27-groups), sector, scope and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2008)
    RASOFF1: Salary earners by region, sector, extent of working time, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    RAS6XX: Employed by region, industry, job title and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1983-1993)
    RAS6: Employed by municipality of residence, industry (27-groups), job title and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1993-1996)
    RAS34X: Labour force aged 16-66 by region, citizenship, marital status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1981-1999)
    RAS2XX: Employed by region, industry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1984-1993)
    INDV1: Full-time employees by region, unit, ancestry, age, sex and years in Denmark (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2009)
    INDV2: Full-time Employees by ancestry, unit, age, sex and years in Denmark (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2009)
    Employees, monthly (seasonally adjusted)
    LBESK03: Employees by industry (DB07 10- and 19-grouping) (2008M01-2024M11)
    LBESK04: Employees (seasonally adjusted) by sector (2-grp.) (2008M01-2024M11)
    Employees, monthly (absolute figures)
    LBESK01: Employees by industry (DB07 10- and 19-grouping) (2008M01-2024M11)
    LBESK02: Employees by sector (2-grp) (2008M01-2024M11)
    Employees, quarterly (seasonally adjusted)
    LBESK22: Employees (seasonally adjusted) by unit and industry (DB07 10- and 19-grouping) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK23: Employees (seasonally adjusted) by unit and sector (7-grp) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK34: Employees (seasonally adjusted) by unit and industry (DB07 19-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2020Q4)
    LBESK30: Employees (seasonally adjusted) by unit and workplace regionpart (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    Employees, quarterly (absolute figures)
    LBESK20: Employees by unit and industry (DB07 10- and 19-grouping) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK21: Employees by unit and sector (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK31: Employees by unit, workplace regionpart and industry (DB07 10-grouping) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK32: Employees by unit, industry (DB07 19-grouping) and sector (7-grp) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK33: Employees by unit, workplace regionpart and sector (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK43: Employees by unit, ancestry, sex and age (5 years age groups) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK44: Employees by unit, residence province, sex and age (5 years age groups) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK45: Employees by unit, residence province, sex and ancestry (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK63: Employees by unit, workplace regionpart, sex and age (5 years age groups) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK64: Employees by unit, workplace regionpart, sex and ancestry (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK69: Employees by unit, municipality of residence and sex (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK61: Employees by unit, industry (DB07 19-grouping), sector (4-grouping), sex and age (5 years age groups) (2008Q1-2024Q2)
    LBESK46: Immigrants with employee job by unit, industry (DB07 19-grouping), country of origin and sex (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    LBESK62: Employees by unit, industry (DB07 19-grouping), sector (4-grouping), sex and ancestry (2008Q1-2024Q2)
    LBESK67: Employees by unit, residence province, sector (7-grouping), sex and age (10 years age groups) (2008Q1-2024Q2)
    LBESK68: Employees by unit, residence province, industry (DB07 19-grouping), sex and age (10 years age groups) (2008Q1-2024Q2)
    LBESK60: Employees by unit, sex and age (1 year age groups) (2008Q1-2024Q2)
    LBESK1: Full-time employees by industry (DB07 19-grouping) and sector (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2012Q4)
    LBESK4: Full-time employees by industry (DB07 19-grouping) and sector (7-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2014Q4)
    LBESK5: Full-time employees by area of workplace (province) and sector (4-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2014Q4)
    LBESK2: Full-time employees by area of workplace (province) and sector (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2012Q4)
    LBESK3: Full-time employees by area of workplace (province) and industry (DB07 10-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2014Q4)
    LBESK11: Full-time employees by industry (DB07 10-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2014Q4)
    LBESK15: Full-time employees by sector (7-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2014Q4)
    LBESK12: Full-time employees by sector (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2012Q4)
    LBESK13: Full-time employees (seasonally adjusted) by industry (DB07 10-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2014Q4)
    LBESK14: Full-time employees (seasonally adjusted) by sector (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2012Q4)
    LBESK16: Full-time employees (seasonally adjusted) by sector (7-grouping) (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2014Q4)
    Public sector employment
    OFFBESK1: Public full-time employees by classifications of functions (COFOG) and number and increase (pct) (DISCONTINUED) (2002Q1-2012Q4)
    OFFBESK2: Public full-time employees by sector, job, number and increase in pct (DISCONTINUED) (2002Q1-2012Q4)
    OFFBESK3: Public full-time employees (seasonally adjusted) by sector and number and increase (pct) (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2012Q4)
    OBESK3: Public full-time employees (seasonally adjusted) by sector (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    OBESK2: Public full-time employees by sector (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    OBESK1: Public full-time employees by classifications of functions (COFOG) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    OBESK4: Public full-time employees (seasonally adjusted) by classifications of functions (COFOG) (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    Working time accounts
    ATR110: Working Time Accounts (quarter) by industry (DB07), sector, type and socioeconomic status (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    ATR112: Working Time Accounts (seasonal adjustment) (quarter) by industry (DB07 10- and 19-grouping), type and socioeconomic status (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    ATR24: Working Time Accounts (seasonal adjustment) (quarter) by industry (DB07 10-grouping), type and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2016Q1)
    ATR26: Working Time Accounts (quarter) (seasonal adjustment) by sector, type and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2016Q1)
    ATR114: Working Time Accounts (quarter) (seasonal adjustment) by sector, type and socioeconomic status (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    ATR116: Working Time Account (year) by industry (DB07), sector, type, socioeconomic status and sex (2008-2023)
    ATR30: Working Time Account (year) by industry (DB07), sector, type, socioeconomic status and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2014)
    ATR32: Working Time Account on national accounts industrial classification(year) by industry (DB07), sector, type, socioeconomic status and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2014)
    ATR118: Working Time Account on national accounts industrial classification (year) by industry (DB07), sector, type, socioeconomic status and sex (2008-2023)
    ATR122: Working Time Account (year), index (2010=100) by sex, sector and type (2008-2023)
    ATR: Working Time Account (year), index (2010=100) by sex, sector and type (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2014)
    ATRI: Indexs for Working Time Account (2005=100) by sex, sector and type (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2010)
    ATR1: Working Time Account by industry (DB03), sector, type, socioeconomic status and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2010)
    ATR4KV: Working Time Accounts (seasonal adjustment) by sector, type and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2012Q2)
    ATR11: Working Time Account by industry (DB07), sector, type, socioeconomic status and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2010)
    ATR11KV: Quarterly Working Time Accounts by industry (DB07), sector, type and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2012Q2)
    ATR22: Working Time Account on national accounts industrial classification by industry (DB07), sector, type, socioeconomic status and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2010)
    ATR1KV: Quarterly Working Time Accounts by industry (DB03), sector, type and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2012Q2)
    ATR2: Working Time Account on national accounts industrial classification by industry (DB03), sector, type, socioeconomic status and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2010)
    ATR3KV: Working Time Accounts (seasonal adjustment) by industry (DB07 10-grouping), type and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2012Q2)
    ATR2KV: Quarterly Working Time Accounts on national accounts industrial classification by industry (DB03), sector, type and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2012Q2)
    ATR20: Working Time Accounts (quarter) by industry (DB07), sector, type and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (2008Q1-2016Q1)
    Home to work commuting
    PENDAB22: Employed persons by region, industry (DB07), commuting and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2011)
    PENDAB2: Employed persons by region, industry (9-groups), commuting and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2006)
    PENDAB1: Employed by municipality of residence, municipality of workplace and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1993-2006)
    PENDAB11: Employed by municipality of residence, area of workplace and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2011)
    PENDABX: Employed persons by region, industry, commuting and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2008)
    PEND2R: Employed by municipality of workplace, job title, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1993-1996)
    PEND1XX: Employed by place of employment municipality, industry, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1984-1993)
    PEND11: Employed by municipality of workplace, industry (27-groups), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2005)
    PEND101: Employed (end November) by region, industry (DB07), commuting and sex (2008-2023)
    PEND100: Employed (end November) by municipality of residence, area of workplace and sex (2008-2023)
    AFSTA1: Employed persons by area of workplace, sex and commuting distance (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2013)
    AFSTA2: Average commuting distance (end November) by area of workplace and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2013)
    AFSTA3: Employed persons (end November) by area of workplace, socioeconomic status, sex and commuting distance (2008-2022)
    AFSTA4: Average commuting distance (end November) by area of workplace, socioeconomic status and sex (2008-2022)
    AFSTB1: Employed persons by region, sex and commuting distance (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2013)
    AFSTB2: Average commuting distance by area of residence and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2013)
    AFSTB4: Average commuting distance (end November) by region, socioeconomic status and sex (2008-2022)
    AFSTB3: Employed persons (end November) by region, socioeconomic status, sex and commuting distance (2008-2022)
    LABY44: Employed persons (end November) by municipality group of residence, sex and commuting distance (2008-2022)
    LIGEFB6: Employed persons by family type, commuting distance, sex and age (2008-2022)
    Gender equality indicator, home to work commuting
    LIGEFI6: Gender equality indicator of commuting distance (average) among employed persons by family type and age (2008-2022)
    Compensation of employees
    LSUM11: Indicators for aggregate payroll costs by industry (9-grouping) and seasonal adjustment and trend i percent (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2008Q4)
    LSUM2: Compensation of employees by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1994-1996)
    LSUM13: Indicators for aggregate payroll costs by sector and seasonal adjustment and trend i percent (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2008Q4)
    LSUM12: Indicators for aggregate payroll costs by industry (27-grouping) and seasonal adjustment and trend i percent (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2008Q4)
    LSUM1: Compensation of employees by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1994Q1-2003Q4)
    ATP employment statistics
    BESK1: Full-time equivalent employment by industry and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (1980Q1-2002Q1)
    BESK2: Full-time equivalent employment by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2001)
    BESK11: Indicator for employees in employment by industry (9-grouping) and seasonal adjustment and trend i percent (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q3)
    BESK12: Indicator for employees in employment by industry (27-grouping) and seasonal adjustment and trend i percent (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q3)
    BESK13: Indicator for employees in employment by sector and seasonal adjustment and trend i percent (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q3)
    Unemployed persons
    Monthly unemployment
    AUS09: Unemployment indicator by type of benefits and seasonal adjustment and actual figures (2007M01-2024M12)
    AUS07: Unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by benefits, sex and age and seasonal adjustment and actual figures (2007M01-2024M12)
    AUS07R: Benefit-period. Unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by benefits, sex and age and seasonal adjustment and actual figures. (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2017M06)
    AUS08: unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by region and seasonal adjustment and actual figures (2007M01-2024M12)
    AUS08R: Benefit-period. Unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by region and seasonal adjustment and actual figures. (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2017M06)
    AUF01: Unemployed persons (provisional) by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (2017M07-2024M12)
    AUF01R: Benefit-period. Unemployed persons (provisional) by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2017M06)
    AUF01X: Net unemployed persons (provisional) by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2010M11)
    AUF02: Unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (2007M01-2024M06)
    AUF02R: Benefit-period. Unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2016M12)
    AUF02X: Net unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000M04-2010M05)
    AUP01: Unemployment in per cent of the labour force (provisional) by region, age and sex (2017M07-2024M12)
    AUP01R: Benefit-period. Unemployment in per cent of the labour force (provisional) by region, age and sex. (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2017M06)
    AUP01X: Net unemployment in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2010M11)
    AUP02: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex (2007M01-2024M06)
    AUP02R: Benefit-period. Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex. (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2016M12)
    AUP02X: Net unemployed in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000M04-2010M05)
    AUP03: Unemployed insured persons (provisional) by region, age, sex and unemployment insurance fund (2017M07-2024M12)
    AUP03R: Benefit-period. Unemployed insured persons (provisional) by region, age, sex and unemployment insurance fund. (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2017M06)
    AUP03X: Net unemployed insured persons in per cent of the total number of insur. by region, age, sex and unemployment insurance fund (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2010M11)
    AUS01: Seasonally adjusted figures (net unemployed) by sex, age, etc. and persons/pct. (DISCONTINUED) (2000M04-2006M12)
    AUS02: Seasonally adjusted figures (net unemployed) by region and persons/pct. (DISCONTINUED) (2000M04-2006M12)
    AUS03: Activation state and persons receiving holiday benefits (net unemployed) by type of benefits (DISCONTINUED) (2000M04-2006M12)
    AUS05: Social benefit (not prepared for employment) and hollyday allowance by type of benefits and seasonal adjustment (2007M01-2024M12)
    AUS05R: Benefit-period. Social benefit (not prepared for employment) and hollyday allowance by type of benefits and seasonal adjustment. (DISCONTINUED) (2007M01-2017M06)
    Gender equality indicator, Full-time unemployed perosns
    LIGEAI9A: Gender equality indicator of full-time unemployed persons by age and region (2007M01-2024M06)
    LIGEAI9B: Gender equality indicator of full-time unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by indicator (2007M01-2024M12)
    Quarterly unemployment
    AULK01: Full-time unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex. (2007Q1-2024Q3)
    AULK01X: Full-time net unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2010Q3)
    AULK02: Full-time uenmployed persons/uemployed persons by type, type of benefits, age, sex and degree of unemployment (2007Q1-2024Q3)
    AULK02X: Full-time net unemployed persons/unemployed persons by type, type of benefits, age, sex and degree of unemployment (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2010Q3)
    AULK03: Full-time unemployed persons by region, country of origin and sex. (2007Q1-2024Q3)
    AULK03X: Full-time net unemployed persons by region, country of origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2010Q3)
    AULKP01: Full-time unemployed persons in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex. (2007Q1-2024Q3)
    Annual unemployment
    AUL01: Full-time unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex. (2007-2023)
    AUL01X: Full-time unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2009)
    AUL02: Full-time unemployed persons/unemployed persons by type, type of benefits, age, sex and degree of unemployment. (2007-2023)
    AUL02X: Full-time uenmployed persons/uemployed persons by type, type of benefits, age, sex and degree of unemployment (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2009)
    AUL03: Full-time unemployed persons by region, country of origin and sex. (2007-2023)
    AUL03X: Full-time unemployed persons by region, country of origin and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2009)
    AUL06: Net full-time unemployed persons by region, persons/pct, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2006)
    AUL07: Full-time unemployed persons by region, persons/pct, education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
    AUL08: Full-time unemployed persons by region, persons/pct, education, age and sex (2007-2023)
    AULP01: Full-time unemployed persons in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex. (2007-2023)
    AULP01X: Full-time unemployed persons in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex ((DISCONTINUED) (2001-2009)
    AULP03: Full-time unemployed persons in per cent of the labour force by region, country of origin and sex. (2007-2022)
    AULAAR: Net unemployed by sex and persons/pct. (1979-2023)
    Long-term unemployment
    AULK04: Long term unemployed persons by region, type, age and sex (2009M01-2024M08)
    AULK04R: Benefit-period. Long term unemployed persons by region, type, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2009M02-2017M02)
    AULK07: Long term unemployed insured by unemployment insurance fund, unit and sex (2009M01-2024M08)
    AULK08: Long term unemployed insured by unemployment insurance fund, unit and age (2009M01-2024M08)
    AULK09: Unemployment spells by duration, unit, type of benefits and sex (2008M07-2024M08)
    AULK10: Unemployment spells by duration, unit, type of benefits and age (2008M07-2024M08)
    AULK05: Long term unemployed persons by sex and age, seasonal adjusstment (DISCONTINUED) (2009M02-2017M02)
    AULK06: Long term unemployed persons by region and seasonal adjusstment (DISCONTINUED) (2009M02-2017M02)
    Gender equality indicator, long term unemployment
    LIGEAI10: Gender equality indicator of long-term unemployed persons by age and region (2009M01-2024M08)
    Unemployment fund members and labour force
    AUA01: Insured persons by region, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (2000M04-2024M12)
    RAS400: Labour force to calculating unemployment (ultimo november) by region, age (16-66 years) and sex (2008-2023)
    RAS3307: Labour force to calculating unemployment rates aged 16-64 by region (new), age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2010)
    RAS33: Labour force to calculating unemployment rates aged 16-66 by region, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1980-2005)
    RASIE11: Labour force to calculate unemployment rates (ultimo november) by ancestry, country of origin, age and sex (2007-2022)
    RASIE22: Labour force to calculate unemployment rates (ultimo november) by ancestry, country of origin and region (2007-2022)
    RASIE207: Labour force, age group 16-66 years to calculate unemployment rates by ancestry, country of origin and region (DISCONTINUED) (2006)
    EKSP01: Enroled unemployed per day (experimental statistics) by key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2020M03D11-2023M11D30)
    EKSP02: Newly enrolled unemployed per week (experimental statistics) by key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2020U01-2023U48)
    EKSP03: Number of dismissal notices (experimental statistics) by key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2020U01-2020U26)
    EKSP03M: Number of dismissal notices (experimental statistics) by key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2020M01-2021M02)
    EKSP04: Job vacancie (experimental statistics) by key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2020U01-2023U52)
    Discontinued tabels - registered unempolyment
    AAR: Unemlpoyed by region and sex (year) (DISCONTINUED) (1979-2006)
    AAR07: Unemlpoyed by region and sex (year) (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    AARD: Unemlpoyed in per cent of the labour force by region and sex (year) (DISCONTINUED) (1979-2006)
    AARD07: Unemlpoyed in per cent of the labour force by region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    RU121D: Unemployed persons in per cent og the labour force by region, age and sex (continuous years) (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2006Q4)
    RU121D07: Unemployed persons in per cent og the labour force by region, age and sex (continuous years) (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2007Q4)
    RU121X: Unemployed persons by region and sex, continuous years (DISCONTINUED) (1986QV4-1995QV4)
    RU122: Unemployed persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2006Q4)
    RU12207: Unemployed persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2007Q4)
    RU122A: Unemployed insured persons in per cent of the total num of insur by region, cat of insurance, unempl insurance fund, age and sex (continuous years) (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2006Q4)
    RU122A07: Unemployed insured persons in per cent of the total num of insur by region, cat of insurance, unempl insurance fund, age and sex (continuous years) (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2007Q4)
    RU322: Persons who have experienced unemployment for a short or long period by region, degree of unemployment, unemployment insurance fund, category of insurance, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2006Q4)
    RU32207: Persons who have experienced unemployment for a short or long period by region, degree of unemployment, unemployment insurance fund, category of insurance, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2007Q4)
    RUIE1: Unemployed by ancestry, country of origin, age and sex (continuous years) (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2007Q4)
    RUIE1D: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by ancestry, country of origin, age and sex (continuous years) (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2005Q4)
    AB122: Unemlpoyed persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2006Q4)
    AB12207: Unemlpoyed persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2007Q4)
    AB122A: Unemployed insured persons in per cent of the total num of insur by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2006Q4)
    AB122A07: Unemployed insured persons in per cent of the total num of insur by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2007Q4)
    AB123: Unemployed persons by region, category of insurance, citizenship, marital status, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2001Q3)
    AB322: Persons who have experienced unempl for a short or long period by region, unemployment insurance fund, age, category of insurance and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2006Q4)
    AB32207: Persons who have experienced unempl for a short or long period by region, unemployment insurance fund, age, category of insurance and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2007Q4)
    AB513: Insured persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996M01-2006M12)
    AB51307: Insured persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2007M12)
    AB513X: Insured persons by region and unemployment insurance fund (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-1995M12)
    AB522: Insured persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2006Q4)
    AB52207: Insured persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2007Q4)
    AB611: Seasonally adjusted figures by sex, age, etc and persons/pct(DISCONTINUED) (1996M01-1999M12)
    AB61107: Seasonally adjusted figures by sex, age, etc and persons/pct(DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2007M12)
    AB611X: Average number of unemployed (seasonally adjusted) by sex,age, etc and persons/pct (DISCONTINUED) (1988M01-1995M12)
    AB612: Average number of unemployed (seasonally adjusted) by region and persons/pct(DISCONTINUED) (1996M01-1999M12)
    AB61207: Seasonally adjusted figures by region and persons/pct(DISCONTINUED) (2000M01-2007M12)
    AB612X: Average number of unemployed (seasonally adjusted) by region and persons/pct(DISCONTINUED) (1988M01-1995M12)
    ABIE1: Unemployed by ancestry, country of origin, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2007Q4)
    ABIE1D: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by ancestry, country of origin, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2005Q4)
    ABIE2: Unemployed by ancestry, country of origin and region (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2006Q4)
    ABIE207: Unemployed by ancestry, country of origin and region (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2007Q4)
    ABIE2D: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by ancestry, country of origin and region(DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2005Q4)
    DURA1: Benefit claimants by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1998M09-2006M12)
    DURA2: Benefit claimants by unemployment insurance fund, category of insurance, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1998M09-2007M05)
    DURA3: Benefit claimants by unemployment insurance fund and cause of unemployment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M09-2007M05)
    DURG1: Average number of benefit claimants by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1998M09-2006M12)
    DURG2: Average number of benefit claimants by unemployment insurance fund, category of insurance, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1998M09-2007M05)
    DURG3: Average number of benefit claimants by unemployment insurance fund and cause of unemployment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M09-2007M05)
    DURU1: Total payments of unemployment benefit (DKK 1,000) by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1998M09-2006M12)
    DURU2: Total payments of unimployment benefit (DKK 1,000) by unemployment insurance fund, category of insurance, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1998M09-2007M05)
    DURU3: Total payments of unemployment benefit (DKK 1,000) by unemployment insurance fund and cause of unemployment (DISCONTINUED) (1998M09-2007M05)
    AULKP01X: Full-time net unemployed persons in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2010Q3)
    AB121D07: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex (quarterly) (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2007Q4)
    AB113A: Unemployed insured persons in per cent of the total num of insur by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996M01-2006M12)
    AB112D: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex (monthly) (DISCONTINUED) (1996M01-2006M12)
    RASIE1: Labour force age group 16-66 years to calculate unemployment rates, by ancestry, country of origin, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2006)
    AB121D: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex (quarterly) (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2006Q4)
    AB113: Unemployed persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996M01-2006M12)
    AB113E: Updated and final number of unemployed persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996M01-2006M11)
    AB112D07: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex (monthly) (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2007M12)
    RASIE2: Labour force, age group 16-66 years to calculate unemployment rates by ancestry, country of origin and region (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2005)
    AB11307: Unemployed persons by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2007M12)
    AB113A07: Unemployed insured persons in per cent of the total num of insur by region, category of insurance, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006M01-2007M12)
    AB113X: Unemployed persons by region and unemployment insurance fund (DISCONTINUED) (1991M01-1995M12)
    Absence and labour disputes
    Absence from work
    FRA020: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, occupation and indicator of absence (2013-2023)
    FRA021: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, education and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2014)
    FRA021A: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, education and indicator of absence (2015-2023)
    FRA022: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, industry (db07) and indicator of absence (2013-2023)
    FRA023: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, region and indicator of absence (2013-2023)
    FRA024: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, age and indicator of absence (2013-2023)
    FRA025: Absence in governmental sector by region, sex, cause of absence, industry (DB07) and indicator of absence (2013-2023)
    FRA026: Absence in the governmental sector by region, sex, cause of absence, occupation and indicator of absence (2013-2023)
    FRA027: Absence in the municipality sector by region, sex, cause of absence, occupation and indicator of absence (2013-2023)
    FRA028: Absence in the regional sector by region, sex, cause of absence, occupation and indicator of absence (2013-2023)
    FRA029: Absence in Corporations and organizations by industry (DB07), occupation, sex, size class, indicator of absence and cause of absence (2013-2023)
    FRA030: Absence in Corporations and organizations by occupation, sex, indicator of absence and cause of absence (2013-2023)
    FRA031: Absence due to own sickness by sector, sex, indicator of absence and Lengths af period (2013-2023)
    LIGEHB11: Reported occupational accidents by industry and sex (2015-2022)
    FRA011: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, occupation and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
    FRA02: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, education and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2013)
    FRA01: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, occupation and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2009)
    Gender equality indicator, absence
    LIGEFI8: Gender equality indicator of absence days due to children's sickness (average) by sector and income (2013-2023)
    LIGEFI9: Gender equality indicator on absence days at childrens sickness (average) by sector and industry (2013-2023)
    LIGEHI8: Gender equality indicator of absence days at own sickness (average) by sector, occupation and age (2013-2023)
    LIGEHI9: Gender equality indicator of absence days due to own sickness (average) by sector, occupation and family type (2013-2023)
    FRA033: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, industry (db07) and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2013)
    FRA03: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, industry and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
    FRA044: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, region and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2013)
    FRA04: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, region and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2005)
    FRA05: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, age and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2013)
    FRA10: Absence in governmental sector by region, sex, cause of absence, industry (DB07) and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
    FRA11: Absence in the governmental sector by region, sex, cause of absence, occupation and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
    FRA12: Absence in the municipality sector by region, sex, cause of absence, occupation and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
    FRA13: Absence in the regional sector by region, sex, cause of absence, occupation and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
    FRA14: Absence in the private sector by industry (DB07), occupation, sex, size class, indicator of absence and cause of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
    FRA15: Absence in the private sector by occupation, sex, indicator of absence and cause of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
    FRA06: Absence due to own sickness (municipalities) by region, occupation, sex, age and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
    FRA07: Absence due to own sickness (governmental sector) by occupation, sex, age and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
    FRA08: Absence due to own sickness (private sector) by industry (DB07), occupation, sex, size class and indicator of absence (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
    LIGEHI11: Gender equality indicator of reported occupational accidents by industry (2015-2022)
    Strikes and lockouts
    ABST1: Work stoppages by industry and unit (1996-2023)
    Income and earnings
    Personal and family income
    Personal income
    INDKP201: Main table for personal income statistics by type of income, sex, age, population, price unit and unit (1996-2023)
    INDKP101: Income for people (14 years +) by region, unit, sex and type of income (1987-2023)
    INDKP102: Pre-tax income for people (14 years +) by region, unit, sex and income interval (1987-2023)
    INDKP104: Income for people (14 years+) by part of the country, unit, sex, socioeconomic status and type of income (1994-2023)
    INDKP106: Disposable income for people (14 years +)by region, unit, sex, age and income interval (1987-2023)
    INDKP107: Income for people (14 years+) by region, unit, sex, level of education and type of income (2004-2023)
    INDKP109: Income for people (14 years+) by region/province, unit, sex, age, ancestry and type of income (2008-2023)
    INDKP111: Income for people (14 years +) by region/province, unit, sex, age and type of income (1992-2023)
    INDKP221: Personal income before tax for persons over 14 years by sex, age, price unit and income interval (1995-2023)
    INDKP222: Personal income before tax for persons over 14 years by region, sex, age, income interval and price unit (2000-2023)
    INDKFPP3: Disposable income for people (14 years +)l by region, unit, sex and income interval (2016-prices) (1987-2023)
    INDKFRF1: Median value of interest rate deductions for borrowers by unit, family type and income (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2012)
    INDKFRF2: Percentiles of the value of interest rate deductions for borrowers by unit, family type and type of value (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2012)
    INDKP105: Pre-tax income for people (14 years +) by region, unit, sex, age and income interval (1987-2023)
    INDKP2: Income, total by region, unit, sex and income interval (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKP3: Persons by region, unit, sex, income interval and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKP4: Income, persons by part of the country, unit, sex, socioeconomic status and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2012)
    INDKP5: Income, total by region, unit, sex, age and income interval (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKP5E: Primary income by region, unit, sex, age and income interval (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKP6: Disposable income by region, unit, sex, age and income interval (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKP7: Level of education by region, unit, sex, level of education and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKP8: Equivalence weighted income, persons, by region, unit, sex, age, income interval and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKF9: Families by family type, age of oldest person, owner/ tenant of dwelling and income group (DISCONTINUED) (1986-2011)
    LABY13: Persons with public transfers as main source of income by municipality groups and age (2005-2023)
    Gender equality indicator, personal income
    LIGEII1: Gender equality indicator of personal income by socio-economic status, type of income and unit (1994-2023)
    LIGEII2: Gender equality indicator of personal income by age groups, type of income and unit (1991-2023)
    LIGEII4: Gender equality indicator of income in relationships by age groups (1987-2023)
    Family income
    INDKF201: Main table for family income statistics by type of income, family type, population, price unit and unit (2004-2023)
    INDKF2: Income by region, unit, owner/ tenant of dwelling, family type and income interval (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKF4: Income by region, unit, socio-economic group and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2012)
    INDKF6: Equivalence weighted income, by region, unit, family type, income interval and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKF7: Level of education of the family by region, unit, family type, level of education and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKF11: Income for families by region, unit, family type and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKF11A: Number of families by region and family type (1987-2023)
    INDKF22: Income by municipality, unit, family type and income interval (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKF31: Disposable income by region, unit, family type and income interval (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKF32: Disposable family income by municipality, unit, family type and income interval (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2012)
    INDKF41: Families by parish, ownership and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1986-2011)
    INDKF101: Income by region, unit, owner/ tenant of dwelling and type of income (2000-2023)
    INDKF102: Pre-tax Income by region, unit, owner/ tenant of dwelling, family type and income interval (2000-2023)
    INDKF104: Income by region, unit, socio-economic group and type of income (1993-2023)
    INDKF107: Income by level of education of the family, region, unit, family type, level of education and type of income (2000-2023)
    INDKF111: Income for families by region, unit, family type and type of income (1991-2023)
    INDKF112: Income by region, unit, family type, number of children and type of income (1993-2023)
    INDKF122: Income by municipality, unit, family type and income interval (1987-2023)
    INDKF132: Disposable family income by municipality, unit, family type and income interval (1987-2023)
    IB832S: Income (personal) by sex, age, socioeconomic status and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2003)
    IA911: Families by region, family type and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2003)
    IA912: Families by family type, number of children and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    IA921: Families by region, family type, owner/ tenant of dwelling and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2003)
    IA922: Families by region, family type, use of cars and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2003)
    IA923: Families by region, owner/ tenant of dwelling and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    IA933: Families by region, education and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-1997)
    IA953: Families by region, type of dwelling and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2003)
    IB911: Family income by region, family type and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2003)
    IB912: Family income by family type, number of children and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    IB922: Family income by region, family type, use of cars and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2003)
    IB923: Family income by region, owner/ tenant of dwelling and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    IB933: Family income by region, education and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-1997)
    IB951: Family income by family type, number of children, age of oldest child, age of youngest child and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2003)
    IB952: Family income by type of dwelling, family type, number of children and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2002)
    IB953: Family income by region, type of dwelling and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2003)
    IG911: Average family income by region, family type and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2005)
    IA811A: Income (personal) by region, age, sex and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2003)
    IA822U: Income (personal) by education, family type, sex and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2003)
    IB811: Income (personal) by region, age, sex and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2005)
    IB812: Income (personal) by region, age, sex, family type and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2000)
    IB822: Income (personal) by education, family type, sex and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-1998)
    IB821: Income (personal) by region, education, sex and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1991-1998)
    IB831S: Income (personal) by region, sex, socioeconomic status and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2004)
    IB822U: Income (personal) by education, family type, sex and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2003)
    IF112: Persons liable to pay tax with income by region and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1983-2001)
    IF12: Gross income by region, income interval, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2005)
    IF13: Persons liable to pay tax by region, income interval, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1983-2005)
    IF14: Persons liable to pay tax by region, income interval and job title (DISCONTINUED) (1983-1995)
    IF14X: Persons liable to pay tax by region, income interval and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2001)
    IF15: Persons liable to pay tax by region, income interval and job title (DISCONTINUED) (1983-1995)
    IF15X: Persons liable to pay tax by region, income interval and socioeconomic status (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2000)
    IF16: Persons liable to pay tax by region and industry/occupation (DISCONTINUED) (1983-1995)
    IF16X: Persons liable to pay tax, working, by region and industry/occupation (DISCONTINUED) (1995-1996)
    IF211: Income for persons fully liable to pay tax (all the year) by region and type of income(DISCONTINUED) (1983-2001)
    IF212: Income for persons liable to pay tax by region and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1983-2001)
    IF221: Gross income by region, income interval, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1983-2005)
    IF23: Taxable income by region, income interval, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1983-2005)
    IF25: Taxable income by region, income interval and job title (DISCONTINUED) (1983-1995)
    IF111: Persons fully liable to pay tax (all the year) by region and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2001)
    Income taxed at source
    AINDK1: A-income by region, unit, sex and type of A-income (2012-2023)
    AINDK2: A-income, total by region, unit, sex, age and income interval (2012-2023)
    AINDK3: Payout after deduction of tax etc. by region, unit, sex, age and income interval (2012-2023)
    Income inequality
    IFOR32: Avg. equivalised disposable Income in decile groups, by decile and municipality (1987-2023)
    IFOR35: Avg. equivalised disposable Income in decile groups, by decile average, municipality and price unit (1987-2023)
    IFOR12P: Persons in Risk of Poverty families in percent of the group by municipality and income level (2000-2023)
    IFOR10: Minimum disposable indcome per month by adults 15 years and over, children under 15 years and income level (1987-2023)
    IFOR12A: Persons in Risk of Poverty families by municipality, and income level (2000-2023)
    IFOR11P: Persons in Risk of Poverty families in percent of the group by income level and socio-economic status of the family (2000-2023)
    IFOR11A: Persons in risk of poverty families by income level and socio-economic status of the family (2000-2023)
    LABY07: Relative poverty (share of the population) by municipality groups and age (2015-2023)
    IFOR51: Relative poverty by age, unit and duration (2015-2023)
    IFOR33: Composition of income deciles by income decile, socioeconomic status and unit (2000-2023)
    LABY06: Average disposable income by municipality groups and age (2004-2023)
    IFOR31: Avg. equivalised disposable Income in decile groups, by decile and socioeconomic status (2000-2023)
    IFOR30: Avg. equivalised disposable Income by decile average, socioeconomic status and price unit (2000-2023)
    IFOR34: Composition of income deciles by income decile, age and unit (2000-2023)
    IFOR41: Inequality indicators on equivalised disposable income by indicator and municipality (1987-2023)
    IFOR22: Deciles, upper bounds on equivalised disposable income, by deciles bound and municipality (1987-2023)
    IFOR25: Deciles, upper bounds on equivalised disposable income, by deciles bound, municipality and price unit (1987-2023)
    IFOR21: Deciles, upper bounds on equivalised disposable income,by deciles group and socioeconomic status (2000-2023)
    IFOR20: Deciles, upper bounds on equivalised disposable income, by deciles bound, socioeconomic status and price unit (2000-2023)
    Structure of earnings
    LONS20: Earnings by occupation, sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (2013-2023)
    LONS30: Earnings by region, sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (2013-2023)
    LONS40: Earnings by industry (DB07), sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (2013-2023)
    LONS60: Earnings per hour worked by industry (DB07), age, sex and components (2002-2023)
    LONS50: Earnings by age, sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (2013-2023)
    LONS11: Earnings by education, sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (2015-2023)
    LONS10: Earnings by education, sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2014)
    LIGELB1: Level of earnings by work/residence, region, age, sex and family type (2009-2023)
    SLON21: Earnings by occupation, sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2013)
    SLON30: Earnings by region, sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
    SLON40: Earnings by industry (DB07), sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
    SLON50: Earnings by age, sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
    SLON10: Earnings by education, sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
    LON01: Earnings for employees in the private sector by education, group of employees, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    LON01X: Earnings for employees in the private sector by education, group of employees, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2007)
    LON01XX: Earnings for employees in the private sector by education, group of employees, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-1999)
    LON02: Earnings for employees in the private sector by occupation, group of employees, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010)
    LON02X: Earnings for employees in the private sector by occupation, group of employees, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2009)
    LON03: Earnings for employees in the private sector by region, group of employees, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    LON033: Earnings for employees in the private sector by region (geographic area), group of employees, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2010)
    LON04: Earnings for employees in the private sector by industry (DB07), group of employees, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
    LON04X: Earnings for employees in the private sector by industry, group of employees, components and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1997-2007)
    LON05: Earnings for employees in the private sector per worked hour by occupation, group of employees, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010)
    LON05X: Earnings for employees in the private sector per worked hour by occupation, group of employees, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2009)
    LON06: Earnings for employees in the private sector per worked hour by education, group of employees, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    LON06X: Earnings for employees in the private sector per worked hour by education, group of employees, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2007)
    LON06XX: Earnings for employees in the private sector by education, group of employees, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-1999)
    LON07: Annual pct change in earnings for employees in the private sector, by occupation and components (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2009)
    LON31X: Earnings for central government employees by education, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2007)
    LON33: Earnings for central government employees by region (county), components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2006)
    LON333: Earnings for central government employees by region (geographic area), components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2010)
    LON34: Earnings for central government employees by industry (DB07), components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2010)
    LON34X: Earnings for central government employees by industry, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2007)
    LON37: Earnings for central government employees per worked hour by education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    LON37X: Earnings for central government employees per worked hour by education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2007)
    LON41: Earnings for local government employees by education, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    LON41X: Earnings for local government employees, by education, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2007)
    LON42: Earnings for local government employees per worked hour by occupation, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010)
    LON42X: Earnings for local government employees per worked hour by occupation, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2009)
    LON43: Earnings for local government employees, by region (county) components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2006)
    LON433: Earnings for local government employees, by region (geographic area) components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2010)
    LON44: Earnings for local government employees by industry (DB07), components and sex (DISCONTINUED (2000-2010)
    LON44X: Earnings for local government employees, by industry, components and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2007)
    LON45: Annual pct change in earnings for employees excl young people and trainees in the local government by occupation and components (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2009)
    LON46: Earnings for local government employees per worked hour by occupation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010)
    LON46X: Earnings for local government employees per worked hour by occupation, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2009)
    LON47: Earnings for local government employees per worked hour by education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    LON47X: Earnings for local government employees per worked hour by education, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2007)
    Standardised index of average earnings
    SBLON1: Standardised index of average earnings (2016=100) by industry (DB07), sector and unit (2016Q1-2024Q3)
    SBLON2: Standardised index of average earnings (2016=100) by occupation, sector and unit (2016Q1-2024Q3)
    Implicit index of average earnings
    ILON12: Implicit index of average earnings in Corporations and Organizations (1.kvartal 2005 =100) by industry and seasonal adjustment (2005Q1-2024Q3)
    ILON15: Annual pct. change of average earnings in Corporations and Organizations by industry (2005Q1-2024Q3)
    ILON22: Implicit index of average earnings in the public sector, central government (1. kvartal 2005=100) by industry (DB07) (2005Q1-2024Q3)
    ILON25: Annual pct change of average earnings in the public sector, central government by industry (DB07) (2005Q1-2024Q3)
    ILON32: Implicit index of average earnings in the public sector, local government (1. kvartal 2005=100) by industry (DB07) (2005Q1-2024Q3)
    ILON35: Annual pct. change of average earnings in the public sector, local government by industry (DB07) (2005Q1-2024Q3)
    ILON42: Implicit index and annual pct change of average earnings by unit and industry (DB07) (2007Q1-2024Q3)
    ILON52: Implicit index and annual pct change of average earnings by unit and industry (DB07) (2007Q1-2024Q3)
    ILON55: Indices and annual pct change of average earnings by unit and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2013Q4)
    ILON1: Indices (1980=100) by industry and Index of earnings (DISCONTINUED) (1974Q1-1997Q4)
    ILON2: Indices of average earnings in the private sector (1 th quarter 2005 =100) by industry and seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2013Q4)
    ILON2X: Indices of average earnings in the private sector (feb 1996=100) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1994Q1-2008Q2)
    ILON3: Annual pct. change of average earnings in the private sector by industry (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2013Q4)
    ILON3X: Annual pct change of average earnings in the private sector by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1995Q1-2008Q2)
    ILON4: Indices of average earnings in the public sector, central government (1 qtr 2005=100) by industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2013Q4)
    ILON4X: Indices of average earnings in the public sector, central government (feb 1996=100) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2008Q2)
    ILON5: Indices of average earnings in the public sector, local government (1 qtr 2005=100) by industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2013Q4)
    ILON5X: Indices of average earnings in the public sector, local government (feb 1996=100) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2008Q2)
    ILON6: Indices of average earnings in manufacturing (1980=100) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1980Q1-2008Q2)
    ILON7: Annual pct change of average earnings in the public sector, central government by industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2013Q4)
    ILON7X: Annual pct change of average earnings in the public sector, central government (feb 1996=100) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2008Q2)
    ILON8: Annual pct. change of average earnings in the public sector, local government by industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2005Q1-2013Q4)
    ILON88: Indices and annual pct change of average earnings by unit and industry (DB07) (DISCONTINUED) (2007Q1-2013Q4)
    ILON8X: Annual pct change of average earnings in the public sector, local government by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2008Q2)
    ILON9: Indices of average earnings by sector and seasonal adjustment (Backcasted) (DISCONTINUED) (1996Q1-2005Q1)
    Gender equality indicator, gender gap
    LIGELI1: Gender equality indicator of gender pay gap (2004-2023)
    LIGELI2: Gender equality indicator of gender pay gap by occupation and age (2010-2023)
    LIGELI3: Gender equality indicator on gender pay gap by extent of working time and age (2009-2023)
    Pay level
    Wealth and liabilities
    FORMUE1: Net wealth by type of components and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2020)
    FORMUE7: Assets and liabilities per person by type of components, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2020)
    FORMUE2: Net wealth by region and type of components (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2020)
    FORMUE3: Net wealth by deciles of equivalence weighted disposable income and type of components (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2020)
    FORMUE5: Net wealth by ownership of dwelling and type of components (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2020)
    FORMUE4: Net wealth by socioeconomic status, head of household and type of components (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2020)
    FORMUE8A: Net wealth per person of at least 18 years by size of wealth (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2020)
    FORMUE8B: Net wealth excl. pension funds per person of at least 18 years by size of wealth (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2020)
    FORMUE11: Wealth by type of property, unit, age, sex and population (2014-2023)
    FORMUE12: Wealth by type of property, unit, region, age and population (2014-2023)
    FORMUE13: Wealth by type of property, unit, socioeconomic status and population (2014-2023)
    FORMUE14: Wealth by type of property, unit, age, ancestry and population (2014-2023)
    FORMUE15: Wealth by wealth, definition, price unit and age (2014-2023)
    FORMUE16: Net wealth by percentile, price unit and age (2020-2023)
    FORMUE17: Wealth by type of property, unit, age, family type and population (2014-2023)
    LABY11: Net wealth (18-64-year-olds) (median) by municipality groups and age standardisation (2014-2023)
    LABY12: Net-wealth (median) by municipality groups and age (2014-2023)
    LABY14: Negative net wealth (share of the population) by municipality groups and age (2014-2023)
    FORM2: Property for families without entrepreneurial income by region, type of dwelling and age. (DISCONTINUED) (2005)
    FORM1: Property for families without entrepreneurial income by region, type of dwelling and type of property. (DISCONTINUED) (2005)
    Gender equality indicator, Wealth and liabilities
    LIGEII7: Gender equality indicator of median net assets by age and family type (2014-2023)
    LIGEII8: Gender equality indicator of value of median pension assets for persons by age (2014-2023)
    Home equity
    EJDFOE1: Market value for real estate by valuation, municipality of residence, unit and type of real estate (2004-2023)
    EJERFOF1: Wealth in real estate and loans for families by type of components, municipality of residence, unit and family type (2004-2023)
    EJERFOF2: Wealth in real estate and loans for families by type of components, municipality of residence, unit and group of households (2004-2023)
    EJERFOF3: Wealth in real estate and loans for families by type of components, type of municipality of residence, unit and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2018)
    EJERFOF4: Wealth in real estate and loans for families by type of components, type of municipality of residence, unit and group of households (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2018)
    Pension assets
    NATFORM: National accounts financial assets for the household sector, incl. real assets by financial instrument and assets/liabilities (DISCONTINUED) (1994-2018)
    TJEN01: Accrued civil servant pension for active civil servants by sector, unit, sex and profession, ages groups (2014-2023)
    TJEN02: Accrued civil servant pension for retired civil servant by sector, unit and sex (2014-2023)
    PENS1: Value of pensions schemes for families by value of pension schemes, type of payment, company type, unit and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    PENS2: Value of pension schemes by families by type of payment, company type, unit and region (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    PENS3: Value of pension schemes for persons by age, sex and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    PENS4: Value of pension schemes of families by size group and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2014)
    PENSOC: Supplementary table for accrued-to-date pension entitlements in social insurance by pension schemes and account (2015-2023)
    PENFOR11: Value of pension schemes by kind of pension, taxation, age, sex and unit (2014-2023)
    PENFOR12: Value of pension schemes by family type, age, sex, price unit and value of pension schemes (2014-2023)
    PENS6: Value of pension schemes (except special schemes for public servants) by kind of pension, company type, unit and family type (DISCONTINUED) (2015-2020)
    PENFOR20: Value of pension schemes by kind of pension, company type, age, population, taxation and unit (2014-2023)
    PENINDB1: Persons with pension contributions by region, unit, sex, age and kind of pension (2005-2023)
    LABY15: Pension wealth for people within 5 years of old-age retirement age (median) by municipality groups (2014-2023)