News in StatBank Denmark

05-12-24: Error in the implicit wage index and the standard wage index
Unfortunately, errors have been identified in the calculation of the implicit wage index and the standard wage index, and the associated stat bank tables have therefore been closed. It is expected that the figures will be available again on December 12 at 8:00.

15-11-23: StatBank - basic course on December 5th 2023
Only in Danish

03-02-22: Interruption of service
Service interruption may occur on the webpages and on February 3. from 18 p.m. to 20 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

28-01-22: Tables not updatet today
The tables mentioned below have not been updated as planned today. We are updating them now. The tables are: BARO1,BARO1K, BARO7K, DNPRND, DNUPI, DNVPDKF, DNVPDKR2, DNVPEJER, DNVPU, KBD1, KBD1K, KBD2K, KBYG11, KBYG11K, KBYG22K, KBYG44, KONCYK1.

17-01-22: Interruption of service
Service interruption may occur on the webpages and on Januray 17. from 18 p.m. to 20 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

12-01-22: Service interuption today between 17 and 19
Due to service maintenance Statbank Denmark will be out of service 12. Jan. 2022 between 17 and 19. Statistics Denmarks website will also lack information during the upgrade. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

01-09-21: New organization of the statistics
As of Tuesday 14 September 2021, we organise our statistics in Statbank Denmark in a new way. It does not affect the individual tables or any queries that you may have saved. Only the position of the tables is changed. Read more about the change on our website.

05-01-21: User registration problem solved
It is now possible to register as a new user, as the earlier mentioned problems are solved. We are sorry for any inconvenience it might have caused.

02-01-21: Interruption of service
We have problems with the Statbank that include the possibility to log on and create a new user profile. We are working on solving the problems, and will inform here, when the problems are solved.

29-06-20: New interactive and accessible charts
Data in the Statbank can be visualised as charts, and this feature has now been updated, so that data can be accessed by mouse-over or click. You can zoom in the charts and download them in different formats. Accessibility has also been improved, so that you can access the chart using screen readers, and navigate the charts using a keyboard

16-06-20: Interruption of service
Service interruption may occur on the webpages and on June 17. 2020 from 19 p.m. to 21 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

11-05-20: Delay of todays releases
Due to technically problems todays new releases were delayed. At 11.20 AM, all the tables are now updated.

12-03-20: Covid-19
Statistics Denmark aims to maintain production and communication to the greatest extent possible. In the circumstances of COVID-19, however, we are unable to guarantee observance of the announced releases of newsletters (Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik), Statbank Denmark tables and other publications. We hope our users will understand the situation.


01-10-18: Population structure development
Try our new interactive population pyramide, where you can see the population development from 1980 to 2060.

Try it here

07-09-18: Only in Danish

14-12-17: Interruption of service
Due to planned maintenance work, Statistics Denmark's website and the StatBank was not available on Thursday, December 14, for a period from 6 pm. till 8 pm. Sorry for the inconvenience it may have caused.

06-11-17: Retail Trade Index
The figures in the previous publication are no longer relevant. The revisions have meant modest changes in per cent. from month to month and that overall the level is slightly higher than previously published figures. The revised figures can be seen in the tables: DETA11 og DETA21

02-11-17: Retail Trade Index are temporarily closed.
The Statbank tables DETA21 and DETA11 are closed. The tables will be released on 6 november at 8 AM 2017 with new figures.

01-11-17: New map function
From today, data can be displayed via a new and improved map function. When you open a table (which is broken down by area), you can extract data in the usual table format or you can choose to click Select via maps to have the data presented on a map. For further information on how to use the map option: Map help

02-10-17: New release time
Statistics Denmark is going to change their release time. From 1 November 2017, new figures will be released at 8 a.m. See releases and times in the overview of: scheduled releases

27-03-17: Service interruption
Service interruption may occur on the webpages and on March 27. 2017 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

17-02-17: Service interruptions
Service interruption may occur on the webpages and on February 19. 2017 from 10 a.m. to 13 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

26-04-16: Only in Danish

04-04-16: Only in Danish

03-03-16: Schedueld Releases

10-02-16: Consumer and net price index.
New tables on consumer and net price index. Due to new EU requirements the new tables will contain new product categories and divisions(ECOICOP) and simultaneously switch to the base year 2015=100.

10-02-16: Postponement of VAT Statistics
Statistics Denmark is unfortunately forced to postpone the publication of "Purchases and sales by firms December 2015" from today 10 February to 12 February at 9.00 a.m.

23-12-15: Service interruptions
Service interruption may occur on the webpages and on December 30. 2015 from 12 p.m. to 16 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

13-08-15: Only in Danish

27-04-15: Only in Danish

16-03-15: Interruption of service
The Statbank will be out of order from 9:00 pm to 9:30 pm tonight. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

09-03-15: Service interruptions
Service interruption may occur on the webpage from 9 pm to 10 pm tonight. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

27-02-15: News about education
As a new nomenclature has been established for tables on education new tables with figures for 2005-2014 are available. Previous tables are terminated and archived but are updated with figures for 2014 Here you can find the figures

06-02-15: Revisions to the industrial production index
With the publication of December 2014 figures, the methods used for calculating production have been revised. The entire time series of the industrial production index (table PROD01) has been revised, seasonal adjusted as well as non-seasonal adjusted figures. The revisions does not affect the underlying turnover figures and therefore nor the turnover tables IPOO1 and IPOO2.

15-01-15: Newer Excel format
Now it is possible to open Excel data in a newer format (xlsx). Until now only an older version (xls) has been a available. If you have a user profile and have Excel as your favotite format, you need to update this setting in your user profile, if you would like the new format as your favorite output.

10-10-14: UHV1, UHV2, UHV3 are open again
The following tables for external trade are now open again with correct figures: UHV1, UHV2 and UHV3.

09-10-14: Error in external trade, seasonal ajustment
An error has, unfortunately, been detected in the seasonally ajusted figures for the external trade. The tables UHV1-3 are temporarily closed and will be opened again with revised data as soon as possible.

18-08-14: Only in Danish

15-07-14: Statbank will be closed shortly this Wednesday
Due to maintenance the Statbank and vill be closed on Wednesday 16 th between 19:00 and 19:15.


06-03-14: Only in Danish

Service interruption may occur on the webpage from 7 pm to 11 pm tonight. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

08-10-13: An error in statistics regarding structure of earnings
An error has, unfortunately, been detected in the statistic regarding structure of earnings, which affects the tables in the StatBank. The tables are temporarily closed but will be opened up again on Thursday 10 October 2013 at 9:00 am with revised data.

05-08-13: Statbank will be closed shortly this Wedensday
Due to maintenance the Statbank will be closed on Wednesday 7th August between 6 pm and 7 pm.

Only in Danish

09-01-13: UHV1, UHV2, UHV3, SITC2r4m, BEC2M og KONJ2M now open again
The following tables for external trade are now open again with correct figures: UHV1, UHV2, UHV3, SITC2R4M, BEC2M and KONJ2M.

07-01-13: New subject structure in Statbank
StatBank Denmark now has a new subject structure. The StatBank tables are the same but with new subject headings. Direct links to the StatBank tables are not changed. We hope you will welcome the new subject structure.

30-11-12: Quarterly National Accounts
Due to technical problems, there is currently no access to some of the tables for the Quarterly National Accounts. We are working to resolve the problems.

21-11-12: Sickness and Maternity Benefits
The StatBank tables within Sickness and Maternity Benefits are closed. They will be revised and re-opened at a later date

08-10-12: Revised figures on international trade in goods 2009-2012
Tuesday 9 October Statistics Denmark released figures about international trade in goods for August 2012. Please be informed that ¿ as a result of updated estimation methods - there will be extraordinary revisions in the figures for 2009-2012 compared to previous releases. The revised figures back to 2009 will be available in the Statbank from 9 a.m. on Tuesday 9 October. The revisions primarily result from a new method that adjusts for missing reports regarding EU-trade (Intrastat). The adjusted methods are briefly described (in Danish only) in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik no. 512.

02-07-12: Number of persons employed in the construction

07-06-12: Only in Danish


03-05-12: Structure of earnings
The figures in tables concerning structure of earnings has been revises for 2009 and 2010 per May 3rd 2012.

23-04-12: Error in statistics on structure of earnings
The tables on structure of earnings have been temporary closed due to an error. The tables will open again in about two weeks.

19-04-12: A number of National Accounts tables have been updated
In Annual National Accounts, Consumption of fixed capital has been altered and consequently also the various net figures that can be derived with it. Changes only apply to total economy and current prices. Input-output tables for the years 1967 to 1970 have be replaced by new tables. This change only applies to tables in previous years prices.

17-03-12: StatBank Denmark not available
StatBank Denmark will not be available today between 17:00 and 17:30 local time.

01-03-12: Sales by manufacturing industries
Industrial commodity statistics has been enlarged with 2 new tables. The new tables are divided by main SITC groups.
VARER2: Manufacturers' sales by main SITC groups (quarter)
VARER2: Manufacturers' sales by main SITC groups (year)

03-02-12: Only in Danish

21-12-11: New earnings concept
Statistics Denmark has developed a new earnings concept - Standardized hourly earnings. The introduction of the standardized hourly earnings, results in both direct and indirect changes to the way in which the structural earnings statistics are presented.
The existing structural earnings statistics, which are compiled for respectively the private, central government, municipal and regional sectors are aggregated into one structural earnings statistic for the whole labour market.

12-12-11: New occupation values in the earnings statistic.
The earnings for employees by occupation uses the classification DISCO-08, which is the danish version of the international classification ISCO-08. DISCO-08 is a revised version of the previously used classification DISCO-løn. For the year 2010 the classification DISCO-08 is used for the first time in the earnings statistics. You can read more about DISCO on
There is no unique translation between DISCO-løn and DISCO-08. For this reason earnings by occupation is not comparable between 2009 and 2010.

23-11-11: Changes in the Labour Force Survey
Statistics Denmark has implemented a new weighting method in the Labour Force Survey. The aim is to increase the precision and clarity with regards to the survey results. The age bands have also been changed in all tables from 15-66 years to 15-64 years and the number of age groups has been expanded.
Here you can see the new tables



14-11-11: Employees statistics
A new set of tables with provisional figures for the Employees statistics has been created. This release is earlier and less detailed than the Employees statistics previously released by Statistics Denmark.
Statistics Denmark will still release more detailed information from the Employees statistics at the announced time.
LBESK11: Full-time employees by industry (DB07 10-grouping)
LBESK12: Full-time employees by sector
LBESK13: Full-time employees (seasonally adjusted) by industry (DB07 10-grouping)
LBESK14: Full-time employees (seasonally adjusted) by sector

28-09-11: Quarterly National Accounts new industry classification (DB07)
As of Wednesday 28th of September at will the quaterly national accounts tables with industries be found under discounted folders. The tables will be reopened again on Friday 30th of September at with a new industry classification (DB07).

07-09-11: National Accounts new industry classification (DB07)
As of Monday 12th of September at 12.m will the annual national accounts tables with industries be found under discounted folders. The tables will be reopened again on Thursday 15th of September at with a new industry classification (DB07).

30-08-11: Tendency survey, Services

30-08-11: Tendency survey, Retail trade
On 30th of August, 2011 Statistics Denmark publish new tables on Tendency survey in Retail trade. The survey is associated the EU-programme: Business and Consumer Surveys.
KBD1: Retail trade indicators by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment and progress
KBD2: Assessments of stock at end of period (preceding month) by industry (DB07) and assessment
KBD3: Retail trade confidence indicator by indicator and seasonal adjustment

09-06-11: External trade. Problems with the index figures for March 2011 now solved
The index figures for March 2011 are ready, and the tables BECIX, KONJIX, SITCIX, UHIX, BEC3M, BEC42, KONJ42, SITC62, SITC82, BYT2M og BYT22 are open again.

27-05-11: Only in danish

01-04-11: New publication time: 9:00 a.m.
With effect from April 15, Statistics Denmark releases new statistics at and StatBank Denmark at 9:00 a.m. - and not as hitherto at 9:30 a.m.

23-12-10: Growth accounts as a supplement to productivity
On the 22nd of December 2010 growth accounts are published for the first time in Statbank Denmark. The growth accounts are a supplement to the productivity figures. The growth accounts in table NAT25V: Growth Accounts by industry and type are related to productivity table NAT25 and the growth accounts in table NAT28V: Growth Accounts, KLEMS by industry and type are related to productivity table NAT28.

13-12-10: An incorrect version of tables on Quarterly national accounts (New presentation) - Sectors
On November 30, 2010 an incorrect version of tables NATKSO01-NATKSO08 was loaded into StatBank Denmark Quarterly national accounts (New presentation) - Sectors . The correct version from before November, 30 is now restored. Next update of the tables will take place on December, 22 2010.

Only in danish

04-10-10: Only in danish

22-09-10: Changes in tables on national accounts
In connection with the announced change of a number of the national accounts tables, it is necessary to close the tables down from Saturday 25.09.2010 to Monday 27.09.2010 at 9:30

02-09-10: Only in Danish

30-08-10: Changes in tables on national accounts
At the next publication (30 September 2010) a number of the national accounts tables will be supplemented with new series including net amounts for a range of key concepts, for example net national product, net national income and net savings. In addition some codes will be changed.

10-08-10: StatBank Denmark closed wednesday between 19:00 and 22:00
StatBank Denmark will not be available wednesday 11. August 2010 between 19:30 and 21:30. The reason is system upgradings.

10-05-10: Technical problems with updating the tables to today
For technical reasons, we have a delay in updates. All tables are updated as soon as possible. Notice that the latest period contains no data, untill the update has taken place. The non updated tables at 9.30 A.M. are: BECIX, BEC2M, BEC2Y, BOP3, BYT22, KN8M, KN8Y, KONJIX, KONJ2Y, KONJ3M,KONJ42, SITC2R4M, SITC2R4Y, SITC5R4M, SITC62, UHV1, UHV2, UHV5, UHV7, DNBOPF1, DNUDDAG, PRIS13, PRIS14 and PRIS7.


21-01-10: StatBank Denmark unavailable today between 17:00 and 18:00
StatBank Denmark will not be available today between 17:00 and 18:00.

11-01-10: Only in Danish

17-12-09: StatBank Denmark unavailable friday between 16:30 and 18:00
StatBank Denmark will not be available friday 18. December 2009 between 16:30 and 18:00.


07-10-09: StatBank Denmark unavailable today between 17:00 and 18:00
StatBank Denmark will not be available today between 17:00 and 18:00.

27-04-09: Only in danish

01-03-09: StatBank Denmark is reaching 10 years
On the 1. of March 1999 StatBank Denmark opened with 33 tables. Today it contains 2200 tables and is still developing. We celebrate the birthday with some new functionalities.

13-02-09: The new classification for industry
The new classification for industry means that the table DNVPDKB, which is based on the old classification, no longer will be updated.
Data in accordance with the new classification will be available in a new table DNVPDKBR: Type of security by type of security, currency, issuer industry, investor industry, valuation and data type on Friday 27 February 2009

04-02-09: Only in danish

29-12-08: New tables for the MFI sector
On 1 January 2009 the presentation of statistics regarding the MFI sector are changed. In order to facilitate easy access to the data the existing main table (DNMFIS) will be replaced by a range of new tables for the MFI sector (especially banks and mortgage-credit institutes). Experience shows that a number of the cross-combinations of different dimensions in the table do not exist. Because of this it has been difficult for the users to extract the exact specified data. The table is replaced by 15 smaller and clearer tables, thus eliminating as far as possible non-existing cross-combinations. In addition the folder "Lending and deposits, banks and bondissuing institutions" will be supplemented with headlines for banks, mortgage-credit institutes and the MFI sector.

21-11-08: Only in Danish

21-11-08: Danish Energy Accounts 1966 to 2007
The Danish Energy Accounts are now available for the years 1966 to 2007.
ENE1: Energy accounts


04-11-08: doctoral programme
A new serie on doctoral programme is now available in Statbank Denmark PHD1 shows entrances of doctorate students , 1996-2007 and PHD2 shows doctorate graduates, 1996-2007

29-10-08: Limited access between 19:00 and 20:00
There will be limited access to and on October 29. 2008 between 19:00 and 20:00.


09-10-08: Statbank not available
The statbank will not be available on October 10 from 16:00 until 18:00 due to technical maintenance.

19-08-08: Only in danish

01-07-08: Only in danish

10-06-08: Outsourcing by Danish Enterprises
Data from the survey Outsourcing by Danish Enterprises are now available. The survey cover the period 2001-2006 and the plans for 2007-2009. Have a look at the new tables here. Sourcing
For more information see also

04-06-08: New subject area for Danish securities
The table DNVPU: Danish securities issued abroad has been moved from the subject Shares and bonds to the subject Balance of payments.
The data in the table DNVPU is closely related to the Balance of payments, financial account and therefore the change.

27-05-08: Research, Development and Innovation
Now you can find data on Research, Development and Innovation in Denmark devided into Enterprices and Public sector.
Have a look at the new tables here. Service sector - Research, Development and Innovation

23-04-08: Data on New registration of motor vehicles are postponed.
Data on New registration of motor vehicles for March 2008 are postponed. Data will be available in about two weeks.

21-04-08: Not available
The statbank will not be available on April 23 from 9.00 PM to April 24 07 AM due to general technical maintenance.

06-04-08: Faulty data has been loaded into the tables on Quarterly national accounts
Due to a technical problem faulty data has been loaded into the tables on Quarterly national nccounts. The tables are: NATK01, NATK02, NATK11, NATK03, NATK04, NATK09, NATK10. Tables are therefore closed at the moment. New data will be available from around 13.00

04-04-08: New tabels on Quarterly National Accounts by Institutional Sector
From the 7th of April 2008 there will be new tabels on Non Financial Accounts by Institutional Sector i the StatBank.


28-02-08: Adjustment of the monthly unemployment statistics
On 28 February unemployment figures compiled on the basis of a new and more representative method were published by Statistics Denmark. It is not all matrices that are ready for publication on 28 February due to the major adjustment of the monthly unemployment statistics. The actual unemployment figures in per cent of the labour force are published on 29 February at 9:30 a.m., whereas data on unemployed persons in per cent of all persons insured against employment and the total number of insured persons analysed by unemployment insurance funds are published 18th of March at 09:30 AM.


04-02-08: Only in Danish

31-01-08: Limited access on Thursday at 17:00-17:15
There will be limited access to and on January 31 2008 between 17:15 and 17:15.

28-01-08: New tables on felling in forrest

08-01-08: Limited access on Friday at 19:00-23:00
There will be limited access to and on 10. January 2008 between 19:00 and 23:00.

20-12-07: Error in the figures in Employment and hours
In the data published on December 20th there were errors in employment and actual hours worked for general government for the period 1995-2006. These errors have been corrected.
NAT18: Employment and hours by industry and identifier

20-12-07: Statistics on absence
Today you can find statistics on absence for the private sector. At the same time a new table divided into the new municipalities has been made.
FRA044: Absence by sector, sex, cause of absence, region and indicator of absence

07-12-07: Are you interested in the number of Danish buses?

06-12-07: Limited access to StatBank Denmark on saturday at 13:00 to 18:00
There will be limited access to StatBank Denmark on saturday the 8. December 2007 between 13:00 and 18:00. Between 14:30 and 15:30 there will be no access.

05-12-07: The tables of national accounts change presentation form
The presentation form for the yearly tables of the national accounts will be changed.

For further information click here

13-11-07: Publication of Money market and bonds interest rates have been postponed
Interest rates on the money market and bonds and share price index scheduled for release to day 13. Th. of November has been postponed until tomorrow at 11.00 A.m. due to technical problems.

25-10-07: Time series with daily observations
It is now possible to access data with daily observations via the time series format ASB. Data on exchange rates and interest rates are available on daily basis.

Only in danish

01-10-07: New Data and new Databank
Danmarks Nationalbank (the central bank) and Statistics Denmark have concluded an agreement on dissemination of financial statistics. From 1. October 2007 statistics produced by Danmarks Nationalbank is available in along with other official economic statistics. Data from Danmarks Nationalbank is also available on:

Both services are administrered by Statistics Denmark, which gives you the possibility of using the same user profile for both services, if you are a user of StatBank Denmark. Your personal information is still administrered by Statistics Denmark and is not passed on.

15-08-07: New options in the StatBank
The StatBank has been upgraded with some new features. Amoung these a possibility to sort your saved tables and an improvement of the table presentation. Read more in Om Statistikbanken (danish only).

15-08-07: Change in the method of rounding
The method of rounding in the StatBank system has been changed, in order to conform to the method used in other systems, e.g. Excel. Further questions can be forwarded to or +45 39 17 31 50.

14-08-07: New tables on the harvest outcome for 2006
The harvest outcome for 2006 has been calculated and will from now on be distributed on regions and provinces.
Hence the fact that farming in a number of provinces is marginal, some of the provinces are aggregated into 8 areas wtihin the regions.
The new tables will replace earlier tables ditributed on counties (Before the municipal reform 2007).
HST77: Harvest by region, crop and unit.
HALM1: Straw yield and use by region, crop, unit and use.

13-08-07: Only in Danish


12-06-07: Access to StatBank Denmark Wednesday
Wednesdag 13. June, between 19:00 and 22:00, there may be short dropouts in the access to StatBank Denmark, due to system upgradings.

11-05-07: New tabels on stock of passenger cars
Under the subject Transport there are two new tabels on stock of passenger cars.
BIL10: Stock om passenger cars per 1 January by propellant and tare
BIL11: Stock on cars per 1 January by use and tare

11-05-07: Limited availability
The Statbank and will be limited available on monday 14 May from 19.00 to about 22.00

10-05-07: Not available
The statbank will not be available on May 10 from 17.00 to about 18.00 Do to changes to the database software.

07-05-07: Monday 7th May the StatBank will be closed from 17.00 till 18.15

24-04-07: Access to StatBank Denmark Tuesday
Tuesdag 24. April, between 19:00 and 21:00, there may be short dropouts in the access to the StatBank system.

11-04-07: Access to StatBank Denmark wednesday
On wednesday 11. April, between 19:00 and 23:00, there may be short dropouts in the access to the StatBank system.

19-03-07: Only in Danish

16-03-07: Register based labour force statistics (RAS)
Due to reorganization in the register based labour force statistics (RAS) there will only be data for 2005 in some of the tables.
Data for 2006 will be available from next week (week 12).

06-03-07: New tables on industrial production and new orders statistics
Here you can find the new tables:
IPOI1: Industrial orders, working on orders (non-seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by orders and industry
IPOI2: Industrial orders, working on orders (seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by orders and industry
IPOO1: Industrial turnover (non-seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by turnover and industry
IPOO2: Industrial turnover (seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by turnover and industry

The new tables replaces the following tables:
ORDRE01: Industrial orders and sales (non-seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by orders/turnover and industry.
ORDRE02: Stocks of orders duration (months) by industry.
ORDRE03: Industrial orders and sales (seasonally adjusted) (2000=100) by orders/turnover and industry

27-02-07: The Danes cultural habits can now be found i our Statbank
Today new tables are released on on the Danes cultural habits. You can find tables on adults and children reading, sports or other cultural habits. The tabels are avialable from

16-01-07: In Danish only

16-01-07: Access to StatBank Denmark wednesday
On wednesday 17. January, in the period 19:00 to 23:00, there may be short dropouts in the access to the StatBank system.

11-01-07: Only in Danish


15-12-06: More detailed statistics on motor vehicles.
In the Statbank you can now find more detailed statistics on motor vehicles.
BIL6: New registrations, sale of second hand vehicles and stock etc. by type of vehicle and unit

04-12-06: Changes in statistics on absence
In the statistics on absence you can now find the abcence in municipalities. There has also been some changes in the method. You can read more in the declaration of contents
The tables FRA01 and FRA02 wil not be as detailed as before because of uncertainty in the figures.

24-11-06: StatBank Denmark closed monday 27. November from 20:30
StatBank Denmark will not be available on monday 27. November 2006 from 20:30 to 07:00 the following morning.


30-08-06: The National Accounts table "The value of consumer durables" (NAT24) has new table code.
The table "The value of consumer durables" (NAT24) has been moved under "Historical figures - discontinued data series" with a new table code (NAT24X). On September 4 a table named "The value of consumer vehicles etc." is published with the table code NAT24. The new table presents revised and updated figures for vehicles etc. (i.e. a limited part of the old table) for the period 1993-2006.

18-08-06: Only in Danish

17-07-06: General enterprise statistics on industries can now be found in Statbank
The subject General economic statistics has been added tables for industries. The statistics are an alternative to the traditionel grouping of branches.

18-05-06: New options in the Statbank
The 18. st of May a number of new options will be published in the Statbank. You can now make your own sums and the graphics has improved. You can read more about the changes in Om Statistikbanken

18-05-06: Error in the amount of sold beer in 2005
We assume that there was an error in the figure for Beer, total (1000 litres) in the table ALKO1: Sales of alcohol and tobacco, subject to excises duties by type. All figures regarding 2005 has been removed from the Statbank. We are working on correcting the error, and will republish the period as soon as possible.

02-05-06: Business Demography and General enterprise statistics can now be found in Statbank
The subject General economic statistics has been added two new folders on General enterprise statistics and Business Demography. Here you can find survival rates for firms in danish industries.


31-03-06: Only in danish

28-03-06: Only in danish

21-03-06: StatBank Denmark closed wednesday from 17.00 to 18.00
Due to hardware upgrading, StatBank Denmark will not be available wednesday 22 March 2006 between 17.00 and 18.00. will not be available either.

06-02-06: StatBank Denmark closed friday at 20.00
StatBank Denmark will not be available from Friday 10 february at 20.00 until saturday morning 9.00. will not be available either.

25-01-06: Error in table NAT06 below subject National Account
Due to a technical error the table NAT06 contained incorrect values for the years 2002 and 2003 in 2000-price level chain figures. The table has now been updated.

18-01-06: New tables on families purchase of vehicles
Under the Subject Transport » Stock of vehicles, there is new tables on families puchase of vehicles. There are only data on families purchae of vehicles for new cars. Data on families purchase on used cares will be published during 2006.



15-12-05: New table showing seasonally adjusted purchases and sales
The subject General economic statistics ==> Purchases and sales by firms, has now been supplemented by a table giving seasonally adjusted values for major groups of industries. The statistics are monthly, and they are based on VAT payments by Danish firms. The time series start in January 2001 and the latest month available is October 2005.

FIKS3: Purchases and sales, seasonally adjusted

29-11-05: New tables on external trade with organic products
Under the subjectgroup Organic under the subject Agriculture there are 2 new tables on external trade with organic products. You can find informations on import and eksport with a chosen few organic products and which countries we import and eksport the products from.
OEKO4: External trade with organic products by imports and exports and commodity
OEKO5: External trade with organic products by imports and exports and country

10-11-05: New tables on airports and air transport
Under the subject Transport there are new tables on airports and air transport. Among other things the tables are about passengers, freight and take offs and landings. There are also tables on passengers on sceduled fligths and charter fligths and tables on airtransport of goods.

18-10-05: New tables on transport by ship
Under the subject Transport there are new tables on transport by ship. There are tables on domestic and international transport by ferry and transport of goods and throughput of goods in Danish ports.


22-09-05: New tables on furred animals.

22-09-05: New tables under the subject Income, consumption and prices.
Under the subject Sales of real property there is a new table on price index for one-family houses. There is also a new table under the subject Bancruptcies on compulsory compositions.
EJEN9: Price index for one-family houses (1995=100) by region
KONK1: Compulsory compositions by industry by type

12-09-05: New tables on goods transport in pipelines

02-09-05: StatBank Denmark closed Thursday 19.00-20.00
StatBank Denmark will not be available Thursday 8 September 2005 between 19.00 and 20.00 (Danish time). The reason is system upgrading. is also affected by this upgrade.

20-07-05: Data revision of the national accounts figures
The Statbank has now been updated with datarevised national accounts figures from 1990-2004. Due to this national accounts figures up to now are placed at "Historical figures - discontinued data series" The tables are marked: ENS95.

18-07-05: New tables on rail transport
Under the subject Transport there are new tables on rail transport. The new tables are about investments in railway network, railways' rolling stock and killed and injured persons in railway traffic.

29-06-05: New tables on Labour market policy measures
Under the subject Labour Market, Labour Market policy measures there are new tables on Labour Market policy measures and activation.
AB701: Full-time participants in labour market policy measures, (Measure)
AB702: Full-time participants in labour market policy measures, (Activation)

28-06-05: New table on New balance of payment
Related to the New balance of payment another table has been made under the subject National accounts and balance of payments
BOP3: New balance of payment, quarterly by items and country

08-06-05: StatBank Denmark closed on june 15 from 5-6pm
The reason is system upgrading. Parts of will also be affected by this upgrade.

02-05-05: New table on turnover of organic foods in retail
Under the subject Agriculture, Ecology there is af new table on turnover of organic foods in retail shops.
OEKO3: Turnover of organic foods in retail shops by commodity and unit

26-04-05: Statistics on Raw material and industrial services
The tables descibe detailed information about input used in the Danish industrial production. The input measured is raw and auxiliary materials used in the processing of industrial production of commodities, packing materials, purchases of services and water.
RAAV1: Purchase of raw materials (2 digits) by commodity group and industry
RAAV2: Purchase of wrapping and packing (6 cifret) by commodity group and industry
RAAV3: Purchase of services (6 digits) by commodity group and industry
RAAV4: Consumption of water (6 digits) by commodity group and industry

12-04-05: New Balance of Payments Statistics
Under the subject National accounts and balance of payments, a new table is accessible. The table shows balance of payments figures for January 2005 compiled on the basis of new data sources and new methods, and with comparable figures from October 2004.

BOP2: New Balance of payments main items, net monthly.

18-03-05: New tables on stock of vehicles

17-02-05: Foreign owned enterprises

03-02-05: New tables on unemployment in Statbank
New tables have been made in two new folders under the subject "Labour Market". Now tables can be found on immigrants / descendants unemployment by ancestry, country of origin et cetera.
Labour Market


19-01-05: New tables about state-subsidized theatres.
Under the subject Education and culture, Culture and churches there are three new tables on state-subsidized theatres. You can find number of productions, performances and audiences since the season 1981/1982.
TEAT1: Productions staged on state-subsidized theatres by theatre and type.
TEAT2: Performances on state-subsidized theatres by theatre and type.
TEAT3: Audience on state-subsidized theatres by theatre and type.

17-01-05: New table on berries and stone fruit.
Under the subject Agriculture, Crop products there is a new table on berries and stone fruit. Among others you can find the number of farms that produce berries and stone fruit and the amount they produce.
BAER: Production of berries and stone fruit by region, crop and unit.

14-01-05: Purchasing power parities
Due to a new EU-regulation, the table on purchasing power parities will be published on a more aggregated level.
PPP: Purchasing power parities and international volume and price comparison by Commodity group, country and unit.

07-01-05: The confidence indicator for quarrying and manufacturing
Table on confidence indicator for quarrying and manufacturing is now extended with the following indicators: production, stocks of finished products and stock of orders.
BARO8: Confidence indicator (coming 3 months). Quarrying and maunfacturing by indicator and seasonal adjustment.

02-12-04: Missing values in third quarter of 2004
Due to a technical error a minor number of seasonally adjusted series did not contain values for the third quarter of 2004. These series are now updated. Demand and supply including GDP has not been altered.
NATK01: Main accounts (DKK mio.) by account, seasonal adjustment and price unit.
NATK02: Production, gross value added etc. (DKK mio.) by industry, identifier and seasonal adjustment.
NATK09: Main accounts per capita (DKK) by account, seasonal adjustment and price unit.

29-11-04: The statistics for aggregate payroll costs have been revisited and improved.
The statistics for aggregate payroll costs are now distributed by industry and sector groups. Comparable data series from the 1st quarter of 1999 for industry as well as sector groups have been prepared so that these tables are comparable with the tables for employees (BESK1A, BESK1B and BESK1C).
LSUM11: Indicators for aggregate payroll costs based on labour market contributions by industry (9-groups).
LSUM12: Indicators for aggregate payroll costs based on labour market contributions by industry (27-groups).
LSUM13: Indicators for aggregate payroll costs based on labour market contributions (sector).

10-11-04: New tables on road network and traffic
Under the subject Transport there is a number of new tables describing the length of the road and road maintenance and investments. Furthermore there is a table describing the traffic on E-roads and selected bridges in Denmark.
VEJ1: Road network by county and type og road.
VEJ2: Investments in the road network by type of investment and unit.
VEJ22: Average daily motor vehicle traffic by road segment.

22-10-04: New table on new registrated private cars fuel efficiency
You can find a new table in the Statbank, which shows the delevopment in use of petrol and diesel per km in new cars.
EE1: New registrated private cars by fuel efficiency, ownership and propellant.

15-09-04: Revisions of the External Trade figures
Revisions of the External Trade figures 1991-2002 have been carried out. An overview of the revisions is available at in Danish

07-09-04: StatBank Denmark closed Thuesday 19.00-20.30
StatBank Denmark will not be available on Thuesday 9 September 2004 between 19.00 and approx. 20.30 (GMT + 1 hour), due to system upgrading.

27-08-04: In danish only

20-08-04: ATP (a national supplementary funded pension scheme) is reclassified out of general government for the EDP-notification
The Eurostat decision 30/2004 concerning government deficit and debt results in a reclassification of the ATP, which means that this funded pension scheme is reclassified from the sector General government to Insurance corporations and pension funds. The danish EMU-debt amounts to 45,9 percent of GDP i 2003 and the surplus on the EMU-balance amounts to 0,3 percent of GDP in 2003.
EDP1: EDP1: EU-countries, public finances by country and function.(Million EUR)
EDP2: EU-countries, public finances by country and function (in % of GDP)
EDP3: Denmarks EMU-debt and EMU-deficit by funktion (% of GDP)
EDP4: Denmarks EMU-debt and EMU-deficit by function (DKK million)

18-08-04: Errors in labour force survey
Due to errors in tables AKU3, AKU5 and AKU6, they have been temporarily closed.

12-08-04: New dissemination practise for external trade
Due to a change in practice for the dissemination of the external trade figures, detailed information on trade with non-EU-countries is now available for the latest month. Trade figures for EU are still only available on aggregated level. The detailed figures for trade with countries outside EU, is available under External trade - Detailed external trade (monthly).

15-07-04: New dissemination practice for External Trade
Due to a revised dissemination practice, the first release of the external trade figures will only contain information on selected commodity groups and countries. These figures are available in some new tables under External Trade: - Total external trade - incl. latest month - Indices on total external trade - incl. latest month

02-07-04: Web Services from StatBank Denmark
Do you need updated data from StatBank Denmark directly in your own programs or on web sites? Statistics Denmark would like to know the needs of our users concerning Web Services from StatBank Denmark.

27-05-04: Error in number for counties in RAS-tables.
If you have retrieved numbers for counties from the following tables in Statbank Denmark on the 27th of May 2004 between 9:30am and 10:30am, the numbers may be wrong. The numbers for All Denmark and municipalities are correct. The error have now been corrected.
RAS2: Employed by region, industry, age and sex.
RAS4: Employed aged -66 by region, education, industry and sex.
RAS61: Employed by region, industry, job title and sex.
RAS111: Population by region, socioeconomic status, ancestry, age and sex.
RAS33: Labour force aged 16-66 by region, age and sex.

05-05-04: In Danish only

03-05-04: and closed tuesday 18.00-20.00
StatBank Denmark and will not be available tuesday 4. may 2004 between 18.00 and 20.00 due to system upgrading.

05-04-04: New tables on sickness and maternity benefits.
The tables on sickness and maternity benefits (DAGP1-4) have been revised. 5. April 2003 the first 2 tables, SOCDAG and SOCDAG1, are published. These tables covers all cases in the year. In a short time more tables covering all concluded cases in the year will be published. The revision of the tables is caused by changes in the law on maternity benefits from 2002 and on revisions in the calculations..
SOCDAG: Sickness and maternity benefits, all cases by region, movement, sex, age and type of benefit
SOCDAG1: Sickness and maternity benefits, all cases by type of benefit, movement, age and sex

02-04-04: In Danish only

25-03-04: Higher government deficit and EMU-debt in EU
New data on the EU-countries shows that both the government deficit and the EMU-debt are rising. The EMU-debt is largest whitin the euro-zone, whereas the three countries outside the euro-zone (Denmark, Sweden and United Kingdom) improves the total figures for the EU.
StatBank Denmark has now expanded the tables that presents these figures with the 10 Acceding Countries which will join the European Union on 1 May 2004.
EDP1: EU-countries, public finances by country and function.(Million EUR)
EDP2: EU-countries, public finances by country and function (in % of GDP).

17-02-04: New table with detailed employment statistics
The table contains data on 111 industries from 1.1. 1997 - 1.1. 2002. Data for 1.1. 2003 will be released ultimo March.
RAS9: Employed persons by industry, socioeconomic status, age and sex.

10-02-04: In Danish only

13-01-04: Seasonal adjustment of quarterly national accounts with X-12-ARIMA
The compilation method of seasonally adjusted quarterly national accounts has been changed into X-12-ARIMA from U. S. Census Bureau.

10-01-04: New features in StatBank Denmark
Better table presentation and more options for saved tables are some of the features in an upgraded version of StatBank Denmark. More information is available in our newsletter (in Danish only).

19-12-03: Seasonal adjustment of quarterly national accounts with X-12-ARIMA
When the 2003 Q3 is released on 9th January 2004, the compilation method of seasonally adjusted GDP has changed into X-12-ARIMA from U. S. Census Bureau.
Read more here ...

10-12-03: New subject sub group on Goods transport.
A new subject sub group on Goods transport can be found under Transport. The new subject sub goup contains tables on national and international transport of goods with danish lorries.



03-12-03: Constructions cost index for residential buildings

28-11-03: New table with stock of vehicles.
A new table with Stock of vehicles.
BIL7: Stock of vehicles by region and type of vehicles.

16-10-03: In Danish only

16-09-03: Only in Danish

14-08-03: In danish only

16-07-03: Revised External trade data for the years 1988 to 2001
During the release of the External trade data on 16 July 2003, data are revised for the years 1988 to 2001. The External Trade data are now all available in StatBank Denmark from 1988 to 2003. More information can be found on


13-06-03: Joining of the tables of Population projections
The tables PROG1-3 are joined into table PROG1. The tables PROG4-6 are joined into table PROG4. The two new tables contain "main variant", "variant with low fertility" and "variant with high fertility". The tables are available from June 18th. 2003 at 9.30.

01-04-03: New functionality in StatBank Denmark
It is now possible to see statistics from StatBank Denmark on a map. Statistics on municipality, county or country level can be displayed geographically. The graph functions has been improved and it is possible to shift between codes, texts or both in the table presentation.

28-03-03: Only in Danish

18-03-03: Only in Danish

09-12-02: New version of StatBank Denmark
This new version offers you graphical data presentation, more file formats for downloading and an improved search facility. Registered users can now choose Automatic Logon and personalize the starting page.

05-12-02: New StatBank Denmark from monday 9. december
New design and functionality will be implemented in StatBank Denmark from monday 9. december 2002. The change will not affect existing user profiles, saved tables etc.

29-10-02: In Danish only

03-10-02: Error in certain figures
An error in the English part of StatBank Denmark has been discovered. Some figures you have retrieved might have been wrongly presented. Due to the nature of the error, it is not possible to be specific about where the error might have occurred, but it applies to a very limited number of retrievals. The error has been corrected, but we advise you to check figures retreived before this day (since august 15. 2002) to ensure correctness. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you need further information, please contact Statistics Denmark on e-mail or phone no. +45 3917 3318.

17-09-02: In danish only

22-08-02: In Danish only

20-08-02: In danish only

15-08-02: - now in English
It is now possible to find a number of relevant statistics in English as well as Danish in four major areas. These areas are available from subjects. During 2003 the following subject areas will also be available...
- Environment and Energy
- Education and Culture
- Labour Market
- Sociale Conditions, Health and Justice
- Income, Consumption and Prices
- General Economic Statistics
- Manufacturing Industry
- Construction and Housing
- Service Sector
- Transport
- Public Finance
- Money and Credit Market

18-07-02: Only in Danish

07-07-02: In Danish only

01-07-02: Service charge on Datashooting
If you register as user, you can create a personal profile, save questions and subscribe to our newsletter. You will have access to all features right after registration.


24-06-02: Only in Danish

29-05-02: In Danish only

24-05-02: In Danish only

10-04-02: In Danish only

07-03-02: In Danish only

21-02-02: In Danish only

07-01-02: In Danish only

07-01-02: In Danish only

07-01-02: In Danish only

07-01-02: In Danish only

13-12-01: In Danish only

05-12-01: Welcome to the new StatBank Denmark
New functionalities and design has been implemented in this new version of StatBank Denmark. Some problems could be encountered due to the upgrade. Contact us by e-mail

04-12-01: In Danish only